Brick by brick, the houses came up
It doesn’t need to be big, it doesn’t even need to be beautiful, as long as you have your own house to find comfort at the end of the day. Though most people take their homes for granted, for 40 percent of our population, owning a home is just a dream. But 24 families in [...]
Lankan-born Suresh dies in Afghan war
On Thursday, August 30, an American hero and patriot was laid to rest at Forest Lawn in Cathedral City, California. A Military Honours service was held immediately…
Getting those batteries going on bananas
In recent weeks, daily power-cuts have reminded Sri Lankans that a steady flow of electricity can be something of a luxury. However, in parts of…

Letters to the Editor
Frustration over education and job issues could ferment another youth revolt Sri Lanka has seen three episodes of youth revolt in recent times, revolt that…
A very special Police Officer who got the best out of us and gave of his best Cyril Herath A year has passed since the…
Remembering an ‘undisputed leader of Buddhists in Sri Lanka’
A statue of the Most Venerable Madihe Pannasiha Mahanayaka Thera will be unveiled in the heart of Matara…

A young mother’s daily battle to take her children out of a silent world
A young mother’s determination, spurred amidst tears and sighs, has pulled two beautiful boys from a morass of…
In the footsteps of their guru, Royden
He needs no introduction, for Royden Gibbs is well known for his water-colour paintings. But on September 7,…
Come, listen to Vivaldi by two young Italians
It will be a celebration of Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, when two young talented Italians will bring his…
Layla weaves her dreams in 3D installations
‘DreamWeaver’, an exhibition of fired glass and paintings by Layla Gonaduwa will be held at the Barefoot Gallery,…

Don’t miss a night at the opera
The promise is alluring – a night to remember with selections from 13 operas performed concert-style. This is…

It was a feast on a street
Tantalizing aromas tickled the taste buds of passers-by along BOC Mawatha, near the Dutch Hospital in Fort recently,…

Going green on a banana leaf
Legend has it that King Mahabali who reigned over Kerala in some undetermined age of mythological time had…

People and events
Wesley College honours past cricketers at gala reunion A celebration of the contribution of Wesley College, Colombo, to…
Click into a world of photography with Mettasena
He is eager to cultivate among youngsters, a passion that he developed when he was just 15 years…