Tharanga Kaluarachchi - Student Development Director (BSc Management, ACMA, ACIM, MBA (Reading))

Samantha Karandagoda - Course Director (BSc Engineering, CIMA Qualified/Sri Lanka EO Prize Winner)
Resolving a national issue: Unemployment
Employment has become one of the key factors to look in to when choosing a higher educational qualification. In the recent past, it has become a norm for young people to complain that they are bearing qualifications that does not give an edge when applying for jobs. WIZMA Global Education together with Virtual Education leading listed CIMA Course Providers of CIMA UK has taken this issue in to serious consideration and is in a pursuit to offer CIMA Courses with added value of career preparation & directing the students to right track in employment.
Virtual Education, 10 Years of Experience
Virtual Education is a name synonymous with quality CIMA Education to “make the student pass” the exams with flying colours. Founded by Mr. Gajendra Liyanarachchi, who was the first ever Sri Lankan Lecturer to win “CIMA Lecturer of the Year Award” by CIMA UK, Virtual Education has generated several success stories over the last 10 years. He has set a fine standard in CIMA Education with a unique methodology. With over 15 years of experience and leadership capability, Mr Liyanarachchi spearhead the organization forward to deliver the noble mission of Quality CIMA Education for definite Employment. The course will be further strengthened by the well qualified, experienced and innovative lecture panel from WIZMA Global Education, well known for its revolutionary teaching model.
Best CIMA Education for Guaranteed Employment
“CIMA with WIZMA at Virtual” is a well designed program for the student starting their CIMA Education in order to complete the CIMA Certificate Level with comprehensive syllabus coverage, revision and mock exams. According to Mr. Samantha Karandagoda, the Course Director, “The program is further extended to provide soft skills and attitudes to start of a career, arming the students with communication skills, team work & leadership skills”
Past Track of Record
Virtual Education has been able to maintain record breaking pass rates over the past decade, becoming the first choice among CIMA students for all levels in their CIMA career. The institute believes in providing coaching for strongest students as well as to the weakest students to pass with flying colours. One of the finest example of its success is Akshan, who managed to complete the CIMA studies by the age of 21 and already employed at a multinational clothing retailer.
In addition to high academic focus, Virtual facilitates annual sports day, new year & religious celebrations as well as business knowledge competitions to provide an educational, fun and lively experience.
Choosing the right place for your child’s future
Mr Tharanga Kaluarachchi, the Student Development Director said, “In a world where the following of wave has become a fashion, the parents play a major role in helping their child to select the best place to pursue their professional education. A suitable institution should be chosen after considering the panel of lecturers, the facilities available as well as the high employability to prevent their children joining the traditional wave of unemployed youth”
Career Guidance Seminar
The institute announces its first step in the CIMA Courses for September 2012 with the unique career guidance seminar with participation of CIMA Regional Director, CIMA Country Head as well as leading companies such as HSBC & Unilever. The event will be free of charge, welcoming both students and parents alike. For further information Virtual Education can be reached on 0112 662 251, 0777 66 949 or 0777 920 820.
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