Inspired by a true story, “Kiting the Hurricane” is the spine-chilling narrative of how one man battles the most powerful force on earth while wrestling his own inner demons. Soldier, sailor, adventurer, entrepreneur and writer, Dom Mee’s book relates that ill-fated voyage across the North Atlantic, a decade later. 2005 was the most powerful hurricane season [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Spared to tell a riveting story of survival

Author of “Kiting the Hurricane”, Dom Mee, who has made Sri Lanka his home will be at the Fairway Galle Literary Festival

Inspired by a true story, “Kiting the Hurricane” is the spine-chilling narrative of how one man battles the most powerful force on earth while wrestling his own inner demons. Soldier, sailor, adventurer, entrepreneur and writer, Dom Mee’s book relates that ill-fated voyage across the North Atlantic, a decade later.

2005 was the most powerful hurricane season ever recorded having claimed thousands of lives in North America and the Caribbean. Hurricanes such as Katrina and Rita destroyed everything in their path leaving massive devastation in their wake.

Dom Mee was attempting to cross the North Atlantic Ocean in the world’s first boat powered by kites until he was hit by the tail end of five hurricanes during the deadly season.

In mountainous seas trapped on the notorious Grand Banks off Canada, he battled against the elements in what would become a brutally honest story of endurance.

No one had yet kited across an ocean; To add to the growing list of problems, Dom’s almost non-existent kiting experience meant, he had to learn the ropes fast.

Without giving the story completely away, Dom overcomes some of history’s worst hurricanes and storms, with only his boat Little Murka and his faithful seabird ‘Peter the Petrel’ by his side.

Despite the terror of the storms Dom recounts the better side of this death-defying voyage that brings him face to face with some of nature’s most astounding marine life.

After his miraculous rescue, Dom went on to put together a four-member team that crossed the Atlantic in one of the fastest rows in history.

A decade later, Dom Mee has made Sri Lanka his home and resides with his family, along the pristine coastline of Galle. Dom now seeks to explore and expand the boundaries of the global leisure industry with his newest venture, Kew Villas on the shores of Boossa, Galle.

His second book, recounting his eight year fight against piracy on the high seas is also in the pipeline, along with three further books that pen his adventures in life.

‘Kiting the Hurricane’ is available at leading bookshops and the author will have a book signing at the Fairway Galle Literary Festival on January 16, at Orchid House, 28A, Hospital Street, Galle from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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