Deciding to pursue higher education is one of the most important decisions you make in life. And the choice you make will determine your future. It is natural to seek advice from parents, teachers and friends in taking such a vital step. However, we also need to be knowledgeable of the needs of the modern world and be conscious of our own strengths and aptitude; this helps us to match our internal strengths to opportunities available in society and select an appropriate study programme.
Each individual is unique; each having their own interests, aspirations, likes and dislikes. We also differ in our academic, sporting and artistic capabilities. While we can learn lessons from others, it's not advisable to follow others blindly. In selecting an academic pursuit, we need to discover what is right for us.

Mr. Niranjan Sanjeev Ganeshan - Chairman /Managing Director |
No two persons are endowed with the same attributes. In terms of education and intellect some may be exceptionally gifted while still others may not be so lucky. There are those who may not measure up to the demands of the formal education system, yet may flourish in different circumstances. Each individual can blossom given the right atmosphere and education.
Universal Student Consultants
What we were able to observe was that Universal Student Consultants offer the total package in an ethical and honest manner. It was also admirable to note that their services include a psychometric assessment, preliminary counselling, course selection, identifying the College and Universities, finalizing the 100% admission, scholarships for deserving students, placement assistance, visa counselling and visa interview preparation (preparing you to face an interview) and most importantly local guardian until completion of the course. At USC one is able to observe they are genuinely concerned for the welfare and benefit of the student and take a holistic approach to the meaning of student counselling and placement. Furthermore, the academic qualifications, vast global and local experience of all members at USC put together makes them a formidable and competent team whom one can place their trust in making the right choice for their higher education.
USC covers a range of countries namely USA, UK, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Australia among other countries.
Area of study
When selecting the choice of study USC looks at the long term future prospects in terms of employability and marketability for your child. It is heartening to note that in today's age and time there are still those who are there providing an honest service.
Study areas include Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Nursing, Nursing, Law, Biomedical, Genetic Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechatronics, Hospitality and Event Management, Actuarial Science, Forensic study, Architecture, Psychology, Environmental Science / Engineering, Retail Marketing, Fashion Marketing, Fashion Designing, Interior Designing, Multimedia and visual communication, Gaming and 3D animation, Cabin Crew training, Hair and Beauty culture to name a few.
As a result of their reputation and ethical business practices many reputed and recognized Universities, Colleges, and vocational institutions have partnered with USC. And as mentioned by the chairman of USC Mr. Niranjan Sanjeev Ganeshan with commitment and conviction "We only deal with recognized universities, colleges and vocational institutes globally since we believe that when a parent entrusts their child's future in our hands it is our duty that we do our best for them ethically and true to our conscience, for them to be successful citizens and good human beings and resourceful to our motherland Sri Lanka". - By Johanna Cruz.
For further info contact Sachini on 0772278717 or Maneesha 0772278727 or Sanjeev on 0777 709977. |