Polls Chief moots Media Regulatory Commission to monitor political propaganda
Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya said it would be useful to establish a Media Regulatory Commission to standardise State and private media and prevent political parties from conducting propaganda campaigns before and after elections.

Polls Chief Mahinda Deshapriya. Pic by Amila Gamage
Mr Deshapriya was speaking at a meeting organised by Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) at the BMICH on Wednesday, to discuss Electoral Integrity, a Review of the abuse of State resources and select integrity issues during the 2015 Presidential Election,
He noted that, not only State media, but private media too promoted the incumbent candidate. Such acts could be prevented if the political parties agree on a code of conduct for the media, and public involvement in conducting a free and fair election, without burdening the law.
While praising the involvement of civil organisations in conducting a relatively peaceful electoral process, Mr Deshapriya said that the sole monitoring agent for all elections is the Election Department under the guidance of the Commissioner, while organisations involved in the electoral process have the right to observe and report on election related violence, violations and corruption.
He added that the Election Department would not have been able to conduct a free and fair election without the public servants involved in the electoral process upholding the public’s right to vote.
According to Mr Deshapriya, the Elections Department has forwarded all the complaints received and evidence obtained on election violence and election law violations including misuse of State resources during the last presidential election, to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) of Sri Lanka, for necessary legal action against the offenders.
TISL, in its report on Programme for Protection of Public Resources, recommended that the Election Commissioner be empowered with the authority to take prompt action against any violation of laws by establishing an Elections Commission instead of a Department, and laws to ensure that State resources are not used for election propaganda purposes, while setting up a mechanism to make all heads of government institutions to be accountable for State resources under their purview.
It also proposed appointing a Regulatory Commission within the Elections Commission, to ensure mandatory disclosure of party finances during elections, presence of election monitors at counting centers to deter violation of polls laws and the use of transparent ballot boxes to ensure security.