It’s been 6 months since Dr Roshine Linus graduated from the University of Melbourne. Now working as a Dental Resident at Bass Coast Health in regional Victoria, she already senses the differences between student and working life. “It’s certainly been a change, but a good one,” Roshine said. Previously profiled while still studying, she was [...]


Smiles Beyond Graduation: Crafting Success with the University of Melbourne


It’s been 6 months since Dr Roshine Linus graduated from the University of Melbourne. Now working as a Dental Resident at Bass Coast Health in regional Victoria, she already senses the differences between student and working life.

“It’s certainly been a change, but a good one,” Roshine said.

Previously profiled while still studying, she was as a young scholar with a bright future ahead of her, both for her ambition and her desire to give back to the community.

As one of over 100 Sri Lankan students offered a place at the University each year, Roshine found that her time there was essential to her success. “The experience and exposure I got during my clinical study years, thanks to the University’s ties to the Royal Dental Hospital and the general course structure, allowed me to explore both the private and public sector of industry, and have the full view needed so that I could decide where I wanted to be.”

Beginning as a Bachelor of Biomedicine student and having now completed a Doctor of Dental Surgery, Roshine especially connected with the University of Melbourne’s unique learning environments, starting with the Melbourne Curriculum, which has been proven to produce forward-thinking, highly employable graduates.Students start in a bachelor degree, choosing from over 100 study areas, and designing a course that’s uniquely theirs. Our three-year undergraduate courses enable them to develop deep disciplinary expertise, while also exploring subjects from parallel or contrasting study areas. Following this, students can enter the workforce or progress to a specialised graduate degree, as Roshine did.

Moving to her post-graduate studies, she found that “being able to speak directly with lecturers and experienced mentors helped make me the dentist I am today.” This is key to all the University of Melbourne’s unique graduate experiences, which ensure that study happens intensively in classes led by experts and alongside others who share their interests and desire to succeed.

“My advice for future and current students is to make the most of your uni years,” Roshine said.

“There’s a whole other life waiting for you after graduation. Go to your classes, make friends, join sports clubs and Uni societies. You never get those years back.”

Giving students a holistic experience during their time at university is essential to the University of Melbourne. With over 200 clubs and societies affiliated with the student union, they range between spiritual, cultural, musical and athletic focuses.

Furthermore, with the University of Melbourne standing as Australia’s leading tertiary institution, across the three major global rankings – QS (14), Times Higher Education (34) and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (32), its reputation is only bolstered by the one of Melbourne itself. Students can expect to unlock unforgettable experiences in the third most liveable city in the world according to the 2023 Economists’ Liveability rankings.

The University of Melbourne will be visiting Sri Lanka for their Meet Melbourne in Colombo event on Saturday 16 September 2023. To find out more, register at or call on 077 1770 361



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