The British School in Colombo conducted their annual Talent Show at the School Auditorium recently. This year’s talent show, proved to be an excellent showcase for the world class talents present in the British School in Colombo. All of the performances were fantastic but extra congratulations are needed to be given to the group singing [...]


British School showcase musical talent


The British School in Colombo conducted their annual Talent Show at the School Auditorium recently. This year’s talent show, proved to be an excellent showcase for the world class talents present in the British School in Colombo. All of the performances were fantastic but extra congratulations are needed to be given to the group singing act who won singing ‘shackles’ – Sanuli, Maya, Saira and Rishika.

The second place was won by ‘Chloe’ who played a beautiful traditional Chinese solo instrumental piece on the Guzheng, and the third place went to Deeksha, Randi, Lakshmi, Rishika, Senruni, Kethaka, Aditi and Lisara who entertained with a variety of dance showcase.

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