TV Times

Sri Lankan wildlife on 2009 desk calendar

The 2009 Desk Calendar is the predecessor to the very successful 2008 Wall Calendar published last year. Each Picture is a glimpse of our unique wildlife photographed in the most favourable light and backgrounds, a technique that has perfected Ifham Raji and Kamil Naleem’s style of photography.

Clean and Beautiful pictures, so the viewer can be drawn completely into the subject. Like the Sambhurs at Horton Plains lit with the red glow of the last light of sunset, the Buffalo submerged in gravy of water filled with Green weeds to the giant squirrel sniffing a tree leaf.

‘This is an ideal gift for friends or colleagues at work, both here and overseas, the wildlife of our land that will be treasured in our minds throughout 2009. It is an effort of one year of photography, all shot throughout 2008. The pictures the photographers have concentrated are the most common subjects, which most people rarely look or give a second look at’ said Ifham Raji .

Except for the Leopard and The Elephants, People occasionally look beyond these two subjects. The Crocodile, the Giant Squirrel (Dhandu Lena), the Colourful and Impressive Crimson Barbet, The Sambhurs or Elk at Horton Plains are subjects that they talk about here. The photographers had to use light and Backgrounds creatively to bring about the beauty of these subjects into this Calendar.

The message we want to Convey through this Calendar is that we must appreciate and protect the wildlife of our country. Whether it be from a common squirrel, a buffalo, or a bird to the majestic elephant or the elusive Leopard. Our wildlife is unique and we are gifted to be blessed with such a big variety of Wildlife to be found in a small Island like ours’ he added.

Through these pictures the photographers (ifham and Kamil) have portrayed that even a common subject such as a buffalo or a king fisher are a gift of nature and that photography brings out its true character that can be treasured and protected.

It is available at all leading bookstores in Colombo and can also be bought directly from their site

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