The annual Inter-House Sports Day of Vidura College, Kalutara was held on July 29 at its school playground. The Chief Guest of this spectacular event was former Sri Lankan cricketer Samantha Indika De Saram, a right handed batsman and right arm off-break bowler. Ranga Wimalawansa, the Asian Championship record holder, added more colour to this [...]


Annual Inter-House Sports Day of Vidura College – Kalutara Branch


The annual Inter-House Sports Day of Vidura College, Kalutara was held on July 29 at its school playground. The Chief Guest of this spectacular event was former Sri Lankan cricketer Samantha Indika De Saram, a right handed batsman and right arm off-break bowler.

Ranga Wimalawansa, the Asian Championship record holder, added more colour to this occasion as the Guest of Honour.

The Vidura Group Principal, D.G. Sumanasekara, members of Board of Directors, Principal – Kalutara Branch Kanchana Dassanayaka, many distinguished guests, teachers, members of non-academic staff, parents and students took part in this colourful occasion.

The Physical Training Instructor Jayalath Andradi, played the major role in training students while he was assisted by the members of the staff. The students demonstrated their unique talents and potential for higher achievements on this special day. Minuthi Munasinghe shone above the rest of the athletes at the Sports Day, as she emerged the Best Athlete.

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