Muhurath for ‘5 Samath’, a family movie directed by Jayaprakash Sivagurunathan was held recently. Comprising a cast of both veteran stars and children, the story and screenplay is written by Rasika Surawirarachchi. The cast includes Dilhani Ashokamala, Semini Iddamalgoda, Giriraj Kayshalya, Dayadewa Edirisinghe and a number of children who are to be playing lead roles. [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

‘5 Samath’ New Imperial cinemas returns to filmmaking


Muhurath for ‘5 Samath’, a family movie directed by Jayaprakash Sivagurunathan was held recently. Comprising a cast of both veteran stars and children, the story and screenplay is written by Rasika Surawirarachchi.

The cast includes Dilhani Ashokamala, Semini Iddamalgoda, Giriraj Kayshalya, Dayadewa Edirisinghe and a number of children who are to be playing lead roles.

The film is the second production by New Imperial cinemas.

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