Raigam Wayamba Salterns PLC has begun commercial production of its Pure Vacuum Dried (PVD) salt plant in Palavi (Puttlam) with a Rs 1 billion investment, officials said. “The specialty of the PVD process is the embedded vacuum evaporation technology ensures salt is 100 per cent free from any impurities and quality is consistent despite any [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Raigam starts operations of first PVD salt plant in the island


Raigam Wayamba Salterns PLC has begun commercial production of its Pure Vacuum Dried (PVD) salt plant in Palavi (Puttlam) with a Rs 1 billion investment, officials said.

“The specialty of the PVD process is the embedded vacuum evaporation technology ensures salt is 100 per cent free from any impurities and quality is consistent despite any condition of input raw salt,” Dr. Ravi Liyanage, Chairman Raigam told the Business Times. He explained that the input salt is fed in a form of a dissolved slug which is put to different high – tech processes like milling, centrifuging, evaporating, drying, etc., under extreme temperature conditions. “The final output is very much pure as the name spells out,” he said.

Featured quality consistency and characteristics of PVD salt differentiates it from any other salt has a significant demand not only in Sri Lanka but in world context, Dr. Liyanage said.

As it is reported, the orders placed even before commencement of the production is adequate enough to run the plant with a significant gain even at the early stage of the operation.

“The state of art modern plant equips with production capacity of 0.5 MT per hour, which is capable in continuous functioning even in all 365 days of the year.

The plant so far has generated 50 new employment opportunities,” he said. The company intends to offer the product to the export market as well provided local demand is first fulfilled.

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