From time immemorial, people have been trying to find which colour would suit which location or occasion and which colour would fit which outfit or which color would fit which person. The mystery is somewhat resolved but most of it still remains unresolved as this is mostly a job of a psychiatrist than a marketer. [...]


Why Colour Psychology is important for branding


From time immemorial, people have been trying to find which colour would suit which location or occasion and which colour would fit which outfit or which color would fit which person. The mystery is somewhat resolved but most of it still remains unresolved as this is mostly a job of a psychiatrist than a marketer. However, it’s the brand makers and marketers who would make the best use of it regardless who would find the right fit with colours and objects and occasions. Other than those who are blind by birth, the rest of the world would know what colors are, what it looks like, how it feels like etc. But as a marketer or a brand maker, or may be as an advertiser or a creative designer, it’s one of the primary responsibilities to know what each colour would mean to each brand as brands stand for different purposes.

Since we are speaking of colours, I would use more images and less text in bringing today’s content to you as it is easy to comprehend.

Some brands choose Yellow when they think they want clarity, or want the customers to feel optimistic about the brand. Some brands would choose Orange as they want to probably imply the fact that they are a friendly, cheerful or confident brand. Some brands may choose Red when they want to create an excitement about the brand or when it comes to food brands Red is chosen as it enhances the appetite. Purple is known for wisdom and also for royalty. Blue denotes strength, stability and dependability. Most of the financial institutions go for Blue color based brand logos. Green is more for environmentally friendly brands. It also is about health and growth. Note that Black and White are not colours. They are the two extremes of all colours. But some brands choose black and some brands choose white. White denotes purity and Black denotes masculinity. Colors like pink are for more feminine brands.

What do colours do to your brand or interior?

84.7% of the consumers cite colour as the primary reason why they buy a brand.

Out of the five senses, what contributes the most in making a purchase decision is vision. 93% of the consumers look at visual appearance in making a purchase decision.

When it comes to services marketing and interior and ambiance, within the first 90 seconds a person makes a judgment about an environment and 62% to 90% of it is based on colors. This tells a lot as to why we have to pay attention to interior of services outlets such as banks, insurance companies, hotels, airlines, salons, educational institutes etc.

Therefore, there is no doubt that colours play a critical role in brand marketing and next article will elaborate more on the same topic.

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