Recently a person asked me “Sir, what do you think about Ranjan Ramanayake?” – A Sri Lankan artist popular amongst the middle social economic community. Very straight forwardly I told him “Well, I don’t think about him”. A lot of people are fighting the wrong battels and their focus is not on themselves where the [...]


A Cake Made of Butter & A Mind Full of Rotten Thoughts


Recently a person asked me “Sir, what do you think about Ranjan Ramanayake?” – A Sri Lankan artist popular amongst the middle social economic community. Very straight forwardly I told him “Well, I don’t think about him”. A lot of people are fighting the wrong battels and their focus is not on themselves where the real battle is. Their focus is on others which are the battles that are irrelevant to them. To be honest, I simply do not have time to think about Ranjan Ramanayake or for that matter any other politician, as my main concern is on how and where I invest my time and mental energy.

Time is wealth, wasting time will make you poor. Your mental capacity is your wealth. If you are mentally weak, that will make you poor. Maintaining your focus is money. If you are not focused you will be poor. If you intend to succeed in life, then it is time you cultivate in your own garden of life. It is indeed an unfortunate sight to see many people investing their time and energy on others gardens. They are investing their focus and growth fertiliser on a cultivation of weeds. I keep my phone at a good distance away from my bed, I do not want to reach to it even subconsciously when I wake up in the morning, as all that it has is wholly about others. The very first thing I do as I wake up is that I stir my passion and hunger towards the very purpose of my existence.

A little girl recently told me that her bag is the most beautiful bag in her class. I told her that she should not take into consideration if it is the best out of all or not but she should be happy herself to have the bag. Our minds have been trained over the years to compare ourselves with others. I have made my children understand that happiness is an inner asset and not an outward comparison. It is what you grow within you and not what you crave for externally. My children are very fond of eating rice with only coconut sambol (a simple Sri Lankan cuisine considered as a meal of the poor). If we are happy with what we have in our plates we should not be worried about what others have on their plates. Life is a struggle the moment you allow the acceptance of others to become your equation. Ego is the most dangerous poison that has destroyed the lives of many.

If you do not master the art of contentment, then the parasite of ego will certainly destroy your peace of mind. At many occasions people have met with accidents merely by trying to look into an accident that has taken place on the road. Many have lost competitions simply because they deviate their focus on the competitor. You are not competing with others but with yourself. Your enemy is none other than yourself. Nobody will ever prioritise you over themselves, as per Neuroscience we all are self-centered. Therefore, your greatest friend should be yourself and you should invest a lot of time in growing yourself, directing you and getting attached to yourself and loving you so much so that you do not require anybody to make you happy.

During the pandemic, we supported more than 50 families, we never wanted them to even know who actually supported them because we looked after them as we wanted to please ourselves and not them. Utilise your energy for yourself and your children to grow. Use your time to be with your lovely family instead of peeping into others’ lives. Load your mind with beautiful and contributive thoughts instead of bitter and jealous prone thoughts. Even the most sophisticated fridge will be filthy and stinky if you store rotten fish and spoiled vegetables in it. Just as any other production the quality of the outcome is based on what you insert into the formula.

A body lotion will be rich and soothing when it is made of natural oils than synthetic materials. A shoe made of natural leather is sure to be more comfortable than a shoe made of synthetic material. A cake made of butter is certainly more delicious than a cake made of margarine. Your peace will be at high spirits when you add ingredients that attract joy such as appreciative thoughts, gratefulness, giving, loving, caring and supportive thoughts rather than joy killing materials such as comparison, judgements, discrimination, jealousy, bitter and hateful thoughts and grumbling and murmuring words. Do not expect to pluck a rose after planting a bougainvillea plant.

Therefore, be vigilant and cautious about what you store in your mind as it will finally be what the brain is going to process in developing thought patterns. Many have very weak thought circuits which are extremely vulnerable before a mind attack as their minds do not have powerful material to process and develop powerful fighting thought circuits. Do not waste your fertiliser on others as one day you will regret to see that you have not got what you need to have so that you could fight the battles of your life.

The students who have got through their examinations by getting someone else to complete their assignments are similar to a fake Rolex watch which would look exactly like the original but it will die within three months. Your external wear does not guarantee that you will win the battle. It is your inner strength, capability and attitude that is going to assure that you will be victorious over a fiery battle. Therefore, it is time to do a serious analysis so that you can find out where you must invest your resources, is it in your garden of life or is it in a garden of weeds.

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