
Sri Lankan Institute receives Excellent Feedback from UK Verifier

The Faculty of Management and Finance of the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) is one of the four Faculties of the Institute with an ultimate objective to mould the students to be assertive personalities to the nation. The Faculty commenced under intense competition from over thirty degree awarding institutes, in July 2009, with seven students who were registered to follow the Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Management offered by Edexcel, United Kingdom. The successful completion of the HND allows a student to proceed to the final year of studies in most of the British as well as Commonwealth Universities.

The Faculty has now grown with the number of students increasing in every batch. In September 2011, the 5th batch commences its academic year (further details can be obtained from or 011 2413331). The academic staff consists of Professors and senior lecturers as well as industry experts who lecture on a visiting basis. All of them have been selected/ recruited according to UGC guidelines applicable to State Universities.

The Faculty of Management and Finance is known for its unique method of conducting its academic programs. Faculty strongly believes that innovative, student centered teaching methods will create a graduate who is not only equipped with the theoretical knowledge but also with the right attitude to face the challenges in turbulent working environments. Not only that, the faculty was highly recognized for its quality and innovative teaching methods by the Edexcel, United Kingdom, which is the UK's largest awarding body offering academic , vocational qualifications and testing to schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning both in UK and internationally.

The faculty of Management and Finance was a partner of Edexcel from its inception and they are very much concerned about the quality maintenance of the program delivery by their academic partners. As a result they have introduced a special verification system called "External Verification". An expert from the area of business management from UK visits all institutes who offer Edexcel Higher National Diploma in Business management and verifies individual program delivery, academic conduct, student evaluation method, learning environment and academic work done by the students.

The Edexcel External verifier visit which was held on 9th August 2011 was a very successful visit for SAITM. Eleven students successfully completed their HND Diploma in Business Management and now ready to obtain the Higher National Diploma. The External verifier Ms. Nicola Mortimer- Stokes, who is also a European representative of the Internal Quality Assurance Advisory committee of Edexcel, awarded an "A" grading for the consecutive second time to the faculty of Management and Finance. A grade "A" is given for the "Strong delivery and assessment with areas of good practice, supported by a full functioning Quality Assurance system" and it the best grade an institute can obtain from the Edexcel, United Kingdome. Further, only very few institutes in Sri Lanka has obtained this grading before for the Edexcel HND in Business Management.

The good practices she had identified and noted in her report of the faculty were: the expertise shown in designing assignments and the guidance provided to the students were Excellent, Interesting and good learning opportunities provided to the students through well written assignments, Performance of students and the depth and breadth of the studies they have undertaken were excellent, , Evidence of innovative styles of teaching and different style of learning experiences provided to students with applications from real world businesses, Rated the provision of facilities of the institute available for students as high, Progression of HND students into a locally delivered UK degree program from Buckinghamshire New University was noted as a good practice and very importantly, students' feedback of lecturing was noted as 'superb'.

Further, the partnership with the Buckinghamshire New University, UK has also strengthened both the capacity and the stability of the faculty to produce more young scholars from the South Asian region. Students with Edexcel HND in Business Management, CIM, CIMA or other equivalent qualifications are directly absorbed to the third year of the degree program which is conducted locally by a well qualified lecture panel.

It is also important to note that, all these capabilities of the faculty are further reinforced by the natural learning environment of the SAITM as is designed to inspire a burning desire in students to study. Therefore, the Faculty of Management and Finance at SAITM possess higher potential to grow horizontally and vertically and has a very bright future.

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