

The seventeens eighteens nineteens are over....ooooops
I am not a girl anymore.... not yet a woman...can I handle this?

This is an age of exploration, an age that arouses curiosities and fascinations for many things in life.....the mind is most active during this adventurous times in your life.. old beliefs are challenged new beliefs enter and vanish just like that ..nothing really gets seriously established within you . You keep trying to discipline your mind.....arrive at a set of principles, values and beliefs that can guide you in your personal and academic life..... but you find yourself very indecisive and inconsistent in your application. towards pursuing an intended destination.

You need a controlling device ....the remote access to your mind should be in your hands.
It is only the connection and communication with your higher intelligence that can discipline and protect you from adversities.

The greatest Academy ....which is.......
"The Academy of the Science of Successful living " is within you ........right at the summit of your you exclusive access to a wide spectrum of knowledge and wisdom that cannot be found even in the deepest of writings in the outside world.

This is where your Executive self dwells....which is that Secret Self.....who Mentors guides and coach you to develop real human values morality and integrity.

Just as you have vividly imagined your connection with your higher self now you need to attune your mind to the required frequency. Imagine your mind as a powerful receiving station with your brain as the recieving device. So firstly it's your conscious effort to keep your mind attuned to this connecting channel . As you know just as atmospheric disturbances cause distortion in transmitting data does our own mental transmitters..they will sway here and there causing a significant distortion in your attempt to be attuned with clarity. This awareness is the primary key to be connected to your deepest self. ...a conscious effort should be made to keep yourself attuned in thought and imaginations and action. It is as if all the time you got your fingers on the remote controller of your mental receiving station. This will gradually turn to be an automatic mental activity.... Once this attunement is automated, your thought forces are connected to your deepest self, where your intentions are firmly engraved.

The most detrimental obstacle you will face in this magnificient journey would be to maintain your beliefs in "YOU" and in what you are wanting to do. You are exploring unknown will be very lonely ...singled may not find your friends complimenting you on your bold and daring adventure into the unknowns of life.

One of the greatest crisis that we humans face is "Belief Crisis". Everyone of us are faced with this crisis in varying degrees....whenever we set our minds on being "different" "extraordinary'... the devil is at play... doubts creeps in.... we scout around for information trying to justify the practicality and the reality ....we go in search of rationalistic logical cover and completely reject anything with ambiguity and paradox.
Only a few great minds will challenge these negative thoughts.

More on "beliefs"... as we continue next week.
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