I have seen a lot of people who wear imitation gold jewellery and attend weddings. They wear those jewellery and pretend that they were born rich, they even start walking and talking differently. Throughout the function they carry out a fake personality with a fake walk, talk and behaviour. Once they return home, they take [...]


Imitation Personalities and Saltless Lives


I have seen a lot of people who wear imitation gold jewellery and attend weddings. They wear those jewellery and pretend that they were born rich, they even start walking and talking differently. Throughout the function they carry out a fake personality with a fake walk, talk and behaviour. Once they return home, they take off their rented attires and imitation jewellery, sit down on a broken chair sipping a cup of plain tea whilst their faces look like saltless curries. Every time they are invited to a wedding, this fake process continues like a cycle. When I got married, I made a firm decision to stop this fake generational practice.

Whenever my beautiful wife attended a wedding, she always went without any imitation gold jewellery. As for her, a fake and pretentious lifestyle was a million times heavier than the weight of the imitation necklace. Her inner peace was much more valuable and comforting without fake jewellery. As a youngster I used to lie a lot in order to obtain the attention of the society through my fake manipulation. The day I was left alone in a rehabilitation centre, I understood that I have been manipulating myself and no one else all throughout. The moment I decided to live as myself, life felt so light even amidst the heavy loads of challenges.

That is when I realised that I have been carrying two very heavy burdens all this time. One was the burden of living an imitation life and the second, the natural burdens in life. When I decided to keep aside the burden of maintaining an imitation life I was able to acquire more mental capacity to face the natural challenges in life.

Have you ever tried running on the beach with sand bags tied to your calves? It is exactly the same weight you would be bearing when you walk with a pretentious intention. A pretense mindset has the ability to disable your growth in life as you are hiding your true nature before the issues in life. Recently my daughter Esther got injured and had a small wound in her leg. When we attempted to clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide an antiseptic. She refused and requested us to clean the wound with something less painful. We explained to her that any other liquid would not heal the wound in the same manner and it will only make it worse. However, her wound healed rapidly with the use of hydrogen peroxide. Just to make sure she is content, I explained to her the consequences we might have had to face if we had not used the appropriate liquid.

Today, I would like to give you an advice for your lifetime: never dress your children with fake thoughts, fake dreams, fake lifestyles and fake elements, rather train them to live in the reality and not to be ashamed to attend any function wearing what they possess. They may not feel good about it at this moment, but one precious day they will praise you with great joy when they go through the real battles in life. It is pointless to dress a wolf in a lion’s coat, as it will not allow the wolf to live the life he is meant to live in the jungle. The only way the wolf could be content is the day it decides to live as a wolf and not as a lion.

Do not crave acceptance by presenting a fake lifestyle. The people who buy you for your fake personality will certainly reject you the moment they realise who you really are. How many divorce cases do we see today as a result of pretending? How many employees are being sacked for being fake during their interviews? People being fake to society is one of the main reasons for being rejected. How many people live in a pool of tears as they cannot afford to pay the lease of their vehicle, as a result of purchasing above their actual paying capacity. Do you know how many girls enter into secret prostitution to maintain the fake lifestyle they have presented to the society?

Recently, my son Joshua’s laptop broke, so I told him that I would not buy him a new one and that I would rather repair the broken one as it has been broken two years prior to its expected lifespan, due to his negligence. I could easily buy him a new laptop, but by doing so I will be training him to live a life beyond contentment. He will never learn the value of the things in his hand. Do not deceive your mind with a fake personality, just as a fake Rolex will live only for a year, whereas the original Rolex will remain with you for a lifetime.

Teach your children to be happy with themselves. In order to achieve that, you must walk the talk. Today, many people are like architecturally designed tombs that are beautiful externally and empty internally. Focus on being rich from within, even though you may not be rich outwardly, your life will be very meaningful. Life is not about achieving others acceptance at the cost of your happiness. Who in the world would exchange their valuable bundle of green leaves for a cheap bundle of grass? Even though people do not do exactly that, they attempt to trade their happiness just to achieve the attraction or acceptance of others.

Do not try to be someone you are not as you cannot maintain a fake life forever. You must have a clear understanding that makeup has only a limited lifespan, the moment your true nature is revealed, the person that you encapsulated with makeup will abandon you immediately. I do not intend to say that you must not use makeup as it will add glamour to your personality, but if you approach someone you must approach them as your true self. If not, you are showcasing them a fake product. The moment you unfold your real self, they are not going to like you, as you are not what they expected. As I have mentioned in one of my previous articles, a ten year old boy cannot wear the combat uniform of a war hero, as it is surely too heavy for him to bear. Likewise, we all could live in peace the moment we opt to accept ourselves as we are. That is the reason I discourage putting on makeup at your first meetups. Why should we try to be accepted for what we are not?

If your life tastes like a saltless curry, might as well recheck if you are presenting a fake personality. Buy the small car that you can afford rather than the car that you cannot afford, as it will prevent you from attaining the peace of mind that you require in your life. What do you actually expect in life, is it a miserable life driving an expensive car or a peaceful life in a small car? Do you want to starve your children for twenty nine (29) days of the month after throwing a grand party for your friends that lasts just a single day? It is your choice, one day of false acceptance for twenty nine (29) days of tears or thirty (30) days of happiness without an exaggerated day.

Fake people actually keep faking themselves constantly. The more you pretend to be fake the more you deviate from the purpose of life. The moment your children try to imitate another, why not stop them, do not influence them to be fake. The world is full of fake people already, that is the main reason that people are suffering so much. It is essential to possess big dreams as they inspire us to grow in life but it is equally important to live in reality. The cost of being fake can be fatal. It is alright to have a dream of living like a king, nevertheless if your current budget is that of a soldier, then you should not spend like a king. If you do so, you will live the life of a king for just one day and live like a beggar, the rest of the twenty nine (29) days.

For comments: voice – 0779 526 496 / e-mail – philipnehri@mullegama.lk


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