TV Times

‘The Magnificent Seven’ appears at AC

'The Magnificent Seven', a 1960 western film, American version of Akira Kurosawa's 1954 film, 'Seven Samurai' will be screened at 6 pm on August 19 at the American Centre, Colombo-3.

Directed by John Sturges the film revolves around a group of hired gunmen protecting a Mexican village from bandits. Starring Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, Steve McQueen, Horst Buchholz and Charles Bronson in the lead roles the film is set in the post civil war U.S. west and its Seminole Indian settlement.

In a small Mexican village, not far from the US border, livestock and crops are tended carefully by peaceful inhabitants. Unfortunately every so often the village is raped by Calvera (Eli Wallach), the local bandit. So no matter how much effort they put into their farming, the villagers are prevented from rising beyond a subsistence level. After the latest raid, the victims have had enough; they're smart enough to realise that they cannot fight Calvera themselves, so the decision is made to hire professional gunmen.

Following the village wise man's (Vladimir Sokoloff) advice, three set off for the border with every last valuable. Here they stumble across Chris Adams (Yul Brynner), an apparently honourable and decent fellow. Luckily he takes pity on them and their plight, electing to help for private reasons.

Over the next few days Chris scours the town, picking comrades. Vin (Steve McQueen) signs up first, as sidekick, followed by avaricious Harry Luck (Brad Dexter). Then, in quick succession, Chris manages to appeal to Lee (Robert Vaughn), Bernado O'Reilly (Charles Bronson) and Britt (James Coburn). Chris doesn't care about their motivation, all he wants are reliable men. If only he could have this confidence in Chico (Horst Buchholz), a groupie.

The two- hour long film was nominated for the Best Original score at the Academy awards.

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