
Back to her childhood love for art

By Dhananjani Silva

As a young girl, when she came across beautiful scenes, she always wished that she could paint them…yet never tried her hand at it. Having left school back in the ’80s Dianthi Wijeratne was inspired a few years ago to take up painting when she came across her old botany and zoology school books that her mother had kept safely with her.

“It was after seeing the practicals I had drawn on my school books that I decided to go for classes as I realised that I had the ability to draw. I enrolled with Anoma Wijewardene for three months in 2003 which was mainly for sketching and then as I had a desire to paint in oils, I joined Lathifa Ismail in 2006,” she recalls.

Dianthe is now preparing for her maiden exhibition jointly organised with Nadine Mediwaka at the Lionel Wendt on August 23 and 24. It will feature about 56 paintings by Dianthi in various media such as pencil sketches, water colours, pen and ink drawings and oils.

Dianthi’s love for nature is reflected in her work; most of her paintings are landscapes and wildlife paintings. There are also some striking sketches of horses’ heads, which she seems to fancy.

Nadine has been painting from childhood to present day, with a break of several years to bring up her family. Born and brought up in England, after marriage she came to settle in her husband ' s home town of Kandy and later moved to Colombo.

Inspired by her adopted home land, she portrays the colours of the tropics and previously exhibited her work in 2002. The exhibition is open to the public.

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