President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday visited Yala National Park and emphasised the need for an online ticketing system to allow quick access to the park. The President also took part in an event where water was released into artificial ponds meant for park animals. Park officials fill the ponds on a daily basis with water brought [...]


President promotes e-ticket during visit to Yala Park


President Wickremesinghe at Yala National Park and at the ceremony to declare open the Hilton Yala resort

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday visited Yala National Park and emphasised the need for an online ticketing system to allow quick access to the park.

The President also took part in an event where water was released into artificial ponds meant for park animals. Park officials fill the ponds
on a daily basis with water brought in by bowsers to mitigate the effects of the drought.

Joining the president during the visit were US Ambassador Julie Chung and Tourism Minister Harin Fernando.

Following the park visit, the president declared open the newly built Hilton Yala Resort.

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