The St. Joseph’s college batch of 2006 along with the Josephian Vehicle Parade committee, made a donation worth Rs. 1.5 million, in support of the college’s smart board initiative project that has already been carried out and established in the sections of grades 1 to 6 as well as the Advanced Level section. The donated [...]


JOES receives 1.5 million to boost its smart board initiative project


The St. Joseph’s college batch of 2006 along with the Josephian Vehicle Parade committee, made a donation worth Rs. 1.5 million, in support of the college’s smart board initiative project that has already been carried out and established in the sections of grades 1 to 6 as well as the Advanced Level section. The donated funds will be used to initiate the above-mentioned project for the middle school section of the college.

Donated funds were mainly raised through the donations that were made by the college old boys of the batch of 2006 and were further strengthened by money that was raised through a merchandise project that was carried out on behalf of the 125th anniversary of the college as well as the profits they made out from the vehicle parade of 2020.

This occasion took place on Wednesday the 17th at the college premises with the participation of the Rector of St. Joseph’s College Colombo -10, Rev. Fr. Ranjith Andradi, Mr. Lahiru Munasinghe the president of the Vehicle parade committee along with Mr. Shehan Waranakula a representative of the batch of 2006.
Mr. Munasinghe stated that the main morale behind this donation is to support and strengthen all the renovation and development projects that are carried out on the college premises by Rev. Fr. Rector. He also said that all the profits that the vehicle parade 2023 generates through the sponsorships as well as the T-Shirt and Hat project will be donated to the Rev. Fr. Rector to strengthen all the projects that he is carrying out in the college.

This was followed by the handing over of the first Official Vehicle Parade T-shirt and hat to Rev. Fr. Ranjith Andradi Rector of St. Joseph’s College Colombo-10. Kevin De Alwis.

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