The All Island Interschool Chemistry Quiz 2022 organised by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
Quiz contest in progress
The final round of the All Island Interschool Chemistry Quiz organised by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon (IChemC) was held on the 28th of May 2022 at the Institute premises for the 34th consecutive occasion. The preliminary round of the quiz was held at 10 university test centers around the country giving opportunity for almost 500 Advanced Level Science students. Top six schools out of 99 schools who participated for the preliminary round of the All Island Interschool Chemistry Quiz got selected for the final round of the competition. Those schools represented St. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, BT/St. Micheal’s College, G/Southlands College, BT/Vincent Girls’ High School, BT/St’ Cecilia’s Girls’ College and Central College, Badulla.
The event was graced by Prof. Srianthie Deraniyagala, President of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. The quizzes were held in three live rounds where teams competed under the knock out method. In the end, the team representing the St. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia emerged victorious. The BT/St’ Cecilia’s Girls’ College and the BT/St. Micheal’s College claimed the 2nd and 3rd places respectively.
The event would not have been possible if not for the dedication and commitment of Dr. Kushan Weerasiri, chairperson of the All Island Interschool Chemistry Quiz Committee and the support given by the committee members. The All Island Interschool Chemistry Quiz, which is organized by IChemC annually, aims to cultivate the interest of Chemistry among Advanced Level school students from all over the country.

Invitees and students

3Dr. Kushan Weerasiri addressing the students.

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