Hard pressed to stay clean
View(s):Colombo is undergoing development at a rapid pace. More and more buildings are coming up on a daily basis, while new infrastructure projects are also being initiated. However, despite all the development, the city currently has serious issues providing basic amenities and cleanliness.

Story and pix by Priyanka Samaraweera
Garbage collection in the city continues to be haphazard. Open carts are widely used to collect garbage, making them an attractive target for crows. A shortage of garbage bins means that garbage tends to pile up. Those entrusted with the thankless task of collecting the waste do their best, but lack even basic safeguards. Our photographer recently captured one image of an elderly sanitation worker engaged in her work while wearing polythene bags on her feet for protection.
Unsafe waste disposal practices are being conducted openly, helped by a general lack of awareness or pure disinterest in safe practices.
Even basic amenities are lacking, as illustrated by this example of a broken drinking water pipe. There does not seem to be any serious effort to replace such items once they are broken.
Colombo is a thriving city, but unless serious consideration is given towards overcoming problems highlighted above, it will only become a dirtier, more difficult place for all.

Crows take a break

Instructions for garbage segregation goes unheeded

Cleaning up is a nightmare

Upside down: A broken tap stays broken

Out of place: The Nelum Kuluna rises above the squalor