
The Magi-Comedy is back!

Pyramus & Thisby – Jehan Aloysius's hilarious adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, is back to tickle, tease and titillate at the Lionel Wendt Theatre from October 31 – November 2, at 7.30 p.m.

Over the years, Pyramus & Thisby by CentreStage Productions has been unanimously hailed as a groundbreaking achievement in Sri Lankan theatre.

One critic praised the show as "a scintillating spectacle…a feast of colour, sound and emotion - a veritable treat for all the senses", and even stated that "Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream was never so creatively adapted in Sri Lanka."

Yet another critic described the show as "a night to remember… a lasting impression on Sri Lankan theatre… a theatrical success." The show has even been hailed as "theatrical heaven."

Pyramus & Thisby was indeed an overwhelming success when it was first performed in 2006, receiving rave reviews. This was followed by a sold-out extended run in 2007. Now, due to popular demand, the show hopes to repeat its success the Wendt in a revised and revamped production that will surprise even repeat viewers!

The show's creator Jehan adds, "This 'return' to fairyland is very specially for our fans who have been literally demanding this repeat show. We promise them something better and hope everyone who missed it previously gets a chance to see it."

This uniquely interactive show is a magical blend of Shakespeare's verse, exciting dance and music from low-country Sri Lanka. Pyramus & Thisby boasts a stellar cast of prominent English theatre personalities as well as professional dancers, acrobats and musicians.

The producers assure us that the production is a spectacular experience for the entire family. The show is devised and directed by Jehan Aloysius with music performed by Avanti Perera.

So make a date with Pyramus & Thisby, and experience a night to remember. The box plan is now open at the theatre, so get yours fast! Call 2695794 for tickets inquiries.

Pix by Shehal Joseph – Kanabona.com

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