Let’s accept it, vaccination alone cannot make Sri Lanka safe from the deadly covid-19 virus. We must learn to use the new mantra in Business “ Test, Trace and vaccination “ if we are Re commence Sri Lanka once the lock down is removed.  This comes in the back drop of the numbers closing down [...]


Test, Trace and Vaccination….the new normal in 2021


Let’s accept it, vaccination alone cannot make Sri Lanka safe from the deadly covid-19 virus. We must learn to use the new mantra in Business “ Test, Trace and vaccination “ if we are Re commence Sri Lanka once the lock down is removed.  This comes in the back drop of the numbers closing down on ten thousand casualties and over a four hundred thousand infested in Sri Lanka.

Strong leadership on Covid-19 but 

In this back ground the only attitude that we need to have to face reality that the shape of the virus will keep changing and we must be open to ideas and new ways of working to live with the Covid-19 virus. Hence the more prudent approach would be to adjust and learn how to live with it. Let me share a few strategies….

1) Make people closer to the problem with Education 

Education comes in many forms such as trainings, team building exercises, workshops, training courses and brain storming sessions just to name a few. The goal of educating employees is to make them aware of their own unconscious bias, instill a new perspective like wearing masks/ washing hands for 20 seconds/keeping a one meter distance for instance. The approach of educating people helps the people understand that Covid-19 is a common problem that require a team approach to solving.

2) Supportive Workplace

Getting your company ‘ Covid-19 Control Environment’ Certified by SLSI will make the staff feel that the work place is safe to attend. Washing hands before entering, wearing a mask, keeping a 1 meter distance especially in the elevators and maintaining temperature charts must become a way of life. You have to make the office more safer than once house. This is the supportive structure required to help a person “ live with Covid-19’.

3) Practice Collective Accountability

A point to note is that every company has a culture which has rules that must be abided by in order to keep the workplace functioning and healthy.

The new culture inside the company must be such that,  Covid-19 new norm Violators should face the consequences, regardless of their rank or title. Turning a blind eye to one situation is how toxic cultures is a sure indication that you have not made the company responsive to the current pandaemic challenge.

4) Review the current procedures 

Just like during the LTTE Terror times where dummy terrorists were sent to organizations to check security levels, today this same tests must be done to check the procedures in relation to Covid-19. If the rigor is stronger then the protection to our organizations from the virus could have been managed.

5) Be Honest About Goals, Progress and Shortcoming

Traditionally, companies kept employees in the dark about what was happening internally. As a result, employees never felt like they were valued. But today, given that the problem is more a human discipline issue the importance of a employee must be top priority.

The management must be transparent on the current procedures and what the issues are. Unless the culture is open to the set goals and accepting the weaknesses we cannot have a situation where ‘ living with Covid-19’ can become a reality.


The above are some strategies that can be practiced so that we can learn to live with the Covid-19.  If we do not make it part of the DNA we will not be able to manage this deadly virus.

The thoughts are strictly his personal views and does not reflect the organisations he serves in Sri Lanka or in the South Asian region.

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