Political interference has allegedly delayed the appointment of a new vice chancellor to the Jaffna University and the current vice chancellor has been given an extension to continue until one of three nominees is appointed. Professor Vasanthy Arasaratnam, the current vice chancellor of the Jaffna University who was due to retire last month, has been [...]


Delay in appointing Jaffna University vice chancellor


Political interference has allegedly delayed the appointment of a new vice chancellor to the Jaffna University and the current vice chancellor has been given an extension to continue until one of three nominees is appointed.

Professor Vasanthy Arasaratnam, the current vice chancellor of the Jaffna University who was due to retire last month, has been informed this week of the extension of her service.

Following the election for vice chancellors on 26 February, the University Council submitted three names to the University Grants Commission for the post. Prof. S.Srisatkunarajah, Prof. R.Vigneswaran and Prof. T. Velnampy were nominated considering the number of votes each of them secured at the secret poll.

The Sunday Times learns that active political parties in the north are campaigning to secure the appointment of their preferred nominee and it led to the extension of the term of the current vice chancellor.

Earlier another controversy erupted at the university council meeting when an application submitted by Prof. Sam Thiyagalingam from Boston, Massachusetts, USA was rejected on the basis that his application reached the registrar’s office after the due date.

The university council reaffirmed the decision regarding Prof. Sam Thiyagalingam’s ineligibility after the registrar sought the opinion of the UGC which said that the university was not bound to accept applications received after the closing date.

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