A 55-year-old Pakistani national was yesterday apprehended with one kg of heroin in his possession, in Kollupitiya, police said The man was arrested after several days of surveillance by undercover sleuths from the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB), police added. They said it was suspected that the Pakistani was part of a larger heroin syndicate involving [...]


Pakistani nabbed with 1kg heroin


A 55-year-old Pakistani national was yesterday apprehended with one kg of heroin in his possession, in Kollupitiya, police said
The man was arrested after several days of surveillance by undercover sleuths from the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB), police added.

They said it was suspected that the Pakistani was part of a larger heroin syndicate involving foreigners with local contacts.
The PNB is conducting further investigations.

In a related detection, a 35-year-old resident of Kolonnawa, was caught on Friday with six gm of heroin, from a safe house at Gothami Road, Borella.

The heroin was packed in tiny packets made ready for sale, according to police.

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