Several small-time rice millers around the country are dismantling their machines to sell them as scrap at Rs. 42 per kilo. Gamini Kumarasinghe, Co-Chairman and Media Spokesman of the Rice Millers’ Association said that shortage of paddy, high prices of paddy and the Government’s move to import rice have forced many millers to take the [...]


Rice millers in hot water


Several small-time rice millers around the country are dismantling their machines to sell them as scrap at Rs. 42 per kilo. Gamini Kumarasinghe, Co-Chairman and Media Spokesman of the Rice Millers’ Association said that shortage of paddy, high prices of paddy and the Government’s move to import rice have forced many millers to take the drastic decision to sell their machines. Pics by Karunaratna Gamage.

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