Following box-office record hit in the first round, ‘Sri Siddhartha Gauthama’ is now being screened in 40 theatres in the areas where the film was not screened. However those who missed the film in Colombo will also have another chance to see the film at Cinecity Maradana while it is also being screened at MS-Moratuwa, [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Sri Siddhartha Gauthama, the second journey


Following box-office record hit in the first round, ‘Sri Siddhartha Gauthama’ is now being screened in 40 theatres in the areas where the film was not screened.

However those who missed the film in Colombo will also have another chance to see the film at Cinecity Maradana while it is also being screened at MS-Moratuwa, Vijitha-Ratmalana and Andrew-Negombo. The film has started its flow down after it was first released on January 24.

An epic film based on the life story of Prince Siddhartha, from his birth up to his enlightenment, it played by an international cast including Gagan Malik(India), Anchal Singh(India), Anjani Perera(USA), Gautam Gulati (India) and many Sri Lankan stars like Ranjan Ramanayake, Roshan Ranawana, Saranga Disasekara, Dilhani Perera, and Wilson Gooneratne.

A project of the Light of Asia Foundation of Sri Lanka, the movie is produced by Navin Guneratne chairman of The Light of Asia Foundation and Jeff Goonewardena.

Directed by Saman Weeraman, internationally renowned filmmaker Chandran Rutnam played a crucial role for success of the film.
Starting with Prince Siddhartha leaving all his luxuries and possessions as well as his new born son and loving wife, it unfolds over his unknown journey of finding the end to human sorrow and suffering.

The team of consultants to the production of the film included renowned Buddhist prelates including Ven. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalaratana Thera and Kalashuri Edwin Ariyadasa, Chandran Rutnam and Prof. Nimal de Silva.

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