much patience do you have?
My darling daughter,
Sometimes in the nights when I find it difficult to sleep I read.
A few days ago I came across a quotation of Shakespeare's 'How poor are
they that have not patience.' Thinking of the lack of patience people have,
I thought how apt that quotation was. We appear to be in such a rush, we
just don't seem to have the time to wait.
Parents display that lack of patience by pressurizing their children
to study, qualify in examinations and succeed. They do not have the patience
for the child to grow, to enjoy the world around him, to play and be happy
in the few childhood years he has. Instead they want him to instantaneously
succeed in the world they have created for him. Even on the roads we see
this lack of patience, drivers rush around to reach the next traffic light
regardless of the rules and regulations.
Don't you think, daughter, patience is needed for us to savour the
many things life has to offer? Patience is so natural in the world of nature.
No bud tries to burst out of its seams trying to bloom into a flower; it
waits patiently for the time to come. If parents were a bit more patient
they will understand that their rebellious teenager is just seeking a little
more love and care. If youngsters were a bit more patient they will realize
the worries parents have of their life patterns. Patience is needed to
reach one's goals. I am sure if people cultivate a little bit more of patience
there will be less biting of one's nails, tapping of impatient feet or
rushing around in vehicles as if the 'seven devils were chasing them!'
Don't you think daughter, we need patience to enjoy life? But I don't
think you will ever become one of those tense impatient persons. The serenity
of being at peace within yourself is yours if you have learnt to be patient.
Leftovers, roti and cheese
personality Kumar de Silva is a multi-faceted man as he reveals in his
favourite things
By Wathsala Mendis
Kumar de Silva host of the popular 'Bonsoir' programme and other TV specials
is a familiar face to Lankan
viewers. Behind that vivacious and friendly personality, there's an exciting
and somewhat fun side to the man whom you see thrice a week on the small
screen. How else would you describe a person who loves thunder, storm,
rain, mist, and snow but hates bright weather?
At local level it's Dr. Lester James Peiris' trilogy 'Gamperaliya,'
'Kaliyugaya,' and 'Yuganthaya,' which are typically representative of this
country's changes over the years. At international level it's Steven Spielberg's
'The Colour Purple' starring Whoopie Goldberg. I saw this when I was in
Paris. It's a beautiful story about this woman who's being oppressed by
her husband but somehow manages to come through. It was so moving that
at the end of it everybody got up and applauded for about five minutes,
even though it was a movie!
My wife and my son. They're the two most important people in my life.
Again there are two extremes. I love roti, specially leftovers, with
"miris hodi"- It's just great!- and French cheese. There are so many different
varieties that General Charles de Gaulle used to say how difficult it is
to govern a country which has more cheeses than the number of days per
Time of day
When I'm not sleeping. (Not surprising for a person who says, "Every
day is a lesson. We learn till we die." He doesn't mind shuttling between
programmes and loves babysitting his one-and-a-half-year-old son Rahul.)
Up in the mountains. It's cool, calm, and quiet. You can even hear yourself
breathing. You feel as if you're in a vacuum. And when you clap it goes
around and comes back to you. It's just amazing.
'Unchanged Melody' by Righteous Brothers. (Still unchanged?) It's beautiful,
very romantic, and says a lot. (Aha!)
Item of clothing
Long shorts and collarless T shirts. When it's hot, they're really very
comfortable. Or else, it's cloth and the kurta. I hate suit and tie. Thank
God I don't have to wear a tie around here!
Education. No one can rob you of that. It's what's going to take you
along in life. Whatever education I have, I don't claim to be supra-educated.
'The Terrace' at Mount Lavinia Hotel. It's a very, very nice place.
Especially on the 31st night you can see the fireworks along the bay. It's
a beautiful sight.
(With a loving smile) Playing with my son.
TV programme
News of every kind and the Discovery Channel. It opens a whole new world
as it deals with a wide array of subjects. Very educative.
Growing cacti. (Come again?) I need a hobby that doesn't take much time.
They're easy to look after. You don't have to water them. I have four different
It used to be blue. Now, all the earth colours.
Movie star
Iranganie Serasinghe. A brilliant actress who can fit into any type
of role. She's got a superb range. Unfortunately, nowadays she's being
typecast as a mother.
I started learning French for my A/Ls at Wesley. I learnt so much about
the country, the people, the culture...and when I first went to France,
I saw all that I learnt from textbooks come to life. It was a wonderful
I'd love to play the role of a Buddhist monk in a film or a teledrama.
(Sounds familiar?)
Once in France, we went on this boat ride into the country. We went
through forests, farmyards, villages...with trees everywhere and the leaves
in changing autumn colours. It was such a beautiful scene. The whole journey
took about nine hours.
More Mirror Magazine * Travelling with my
man A* OCS stages Miller's play
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