ACBC Educational Council – Nana Kirana Thilina Awards 2022 Ceremony
View(s):The All Ceylon Buddhist Congress ( ACBC ) founded in 1919 is a leading Institution in Sri Lanka dedicated for translating Buddhist philosophy, by uniting its membership in collaborative initiatives to enrich the skills, prospects and religious spirit in Sri Lankan youth and adults, in partnership with families and communities, carried out through several Councils established under the ACBC.

Nana Kirana Thilina Award Winners : Recipient Students of Yashodara Balika Vidyalaya along with L to R - Mrs M.G.A. Dilrukshi Deputy Principal Yashodara Vidyalaya, Mr Dilarn Singappuli- Vice President Educational Council, Prof. Sisiripala Malimbada – President Educational Council, Mr H.M. Ranasinghe- Treasurer Educational Council and Mr Anura Serasingha – Project Secretary Educational Council
National Educational Council of the ACBC successfully concluded a project in June 2022, presenting Book Vouchers to Bright & Deserving Students, under the newly introduced Nana Kirana Thilina Awards Scheme, which was held under the patronage of the President of the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress Mr. Chandra Nimal Wakishta. The Chief Justice Presidents Council Jayantha Jayasuriya graced the occasion as the Chief Guest for the occasion.
The Education Council selected 11 leading Government Schools namely Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Gothami Balika Vidyalaya, Yashodara Balika Vidyalaya, Ratnawali Balika Vidyalaya, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Visakha Vidyalaya, Ananda Vidyalaya, Nalanda Vidyalaya, D.S. Senannayake Vidyalaya, Susumaya Wardana Vidyalaya & Presidents College – Rajagiriya and the Principals of these schools assisted by recommending lists of bright & deserving eligible Students who have successfully passed the GCE OL examination last year and presently attending GCE AL Year 12 classes for awards. Accordingly, ACBC Educational Council successful presented Book Vouchers worth Rs 5,000.00 to each student, arranged through leading Book Seller Sarasavi Book Shop to nearly 100 recipients, giving opportunity for the Students to select their own GCE AL Text Books from Sarasavi Book Depots. The student recipients expressed their gratitude to ACBC Educational Council for the valuable assistance given in this hour of need to support their GCE AL Education especially during the present financial crisis. Several Donors based in Sri Lanka and overseas willingly sponsored the worthy project undertaken by the ACBC Educational Council.

Vishwa Bushana Special Award’ for Master Artist Professor H.A. Karunartane at this event: L to R - Mr. Chandra Nimal Wakishta – President All Ceylon Buddhist Congress, Chief Guest Presidents Council Jayantha Jayasuriya, Prof. Susiripala Malimbada- President Educational Council, Dr H.A. Karunaratne - Senior Master Artist Professor H.A. Karunartane.
The function was held at the ACBC main hall amidst a large gathering attended by the Students & Staff Members of the Schools, Parents as well as other Special Invitees. The event also coincided presenting Special Awards covering two other projects also successfully concluded by the Organising Committee of the Educational Council. This included awarding winners of the All-Island Competition of Buddhist Art, Songs and Essay competitions conducted by the Educational Council as well as distributing of Certificates for 14 adult girls attached to ‘ACBC managed Rosenkinder Hostel” at Vocational Training Center in Panadura, who gained successful employment after completion of the Skills & Development Course Funded by German Rosenkinder foundation.
The Chief Guest, Presidents Council Jayantha Jayasuriya also presented ‘ Vishwa Bushana Special Award’ to internationally acclaimed 93 year old Senior Master Artist Professor H.A. Karunartane at this event.
In appreciation for the efforts made by the ACBC Educational Council for the benefit of bright & deserving Students, dancing troop of Ananda Balika Vidyalaya reciprocated with gesture by performing a special Cultural Dance, Item arranged by the Principal and Staff of the School.
The Organizing Committee of Educational Council of ACBC;
Prof. Sisiripala Malimbada – President, Mr Dilarn Singappuli – Vice President, Mr Prasanna Kulasinghe - Secretary, Mr Anura Serasingha – Project Secretary, Mr H.M. Ranasinghe – Treasurer, Other Committee members – Mr Sudham Ranasinghe, Mr Nalaka Jayasena, Mr R.D. Jayawardena, Mrs Kalyani Doranagoda, Dr Ashoka Karunaratne, Mr Chandrasiri Jayasoma. is the best and biggest mobile phone market in Sri Lanka, and we guarantee you will find what you need here from our extensive listing of mobile phones for sale in Sri Lanka. Whether it’s a budget-priced smartphone for communication, or higher end features with advanced connectivity, there are many different options from which to choose from on our site!