Teams and ‘officials’ thriving through to complete league

The Club League kicked off, yet there are rotten apples in the cart the spoils its progress - Pic by M.A. Pushpakumara
In spite of placing specified guidelines and protocols to follow during the ongoing Club Rugby League Championship of 2022, Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) has lost its status and respect among stakeholders, most notably the main sponsor Dialog Axiata, who pulled out from its long-standing commitment days prior to the commencement.
With a monetary commitment of Rs.19 million for the club rugby season of 2022, which includes the league and knockout competitions, Dialog Axiata PLC had given their consent to continue the sponsorship, but a sudden blind side move by SLR, particularly by its hierarchy, had forced the sponsor to back-pedal from its initial stance, according to insiders.
This move had only forced SLR to run the show without any takers for the ongoing league championship, while adding a massive burden on its own shoulders, after all arrangements had been finalised for the kickoff on January 21.
Experts of the game showed their disbelief on the manner SLR dealt with its longstanding sponsor, Dialog Axiata, whose sponsorship agreement had been greatly cut and chopped, by clipping many of the clauses that had been in active for many seasons. It is believed that SLR had taken off the broadcasting rights out of the documented agreement, stating it had wanted the sole rights to broadcast and live telecast and live streaming.
In addition to this reversal decision, which is estimated to cost an extra sum of approximately Rs.8 million to the sponsor itself other than the sponsorship deal to broadcast matches live through the whole season, SLR had removed certain clauses that had wholly prompted Dialog Axiata to take a step back from its annual sponsorship commitment. But the main concern of the sponsor, it is reliably said, was the omitting of the broadcasting rights.
The whole episode took place just before a couple of days to the curtain raiser game of the club league championship, and SLR has had no other option than to proceed with the arrangements that had been already made.
With a whole club tournament taking place nearly after two seasons, many experts of the game point the finger on the SLR hierarchy for spoiling a valiant comeback effort in reenacting rugby action, which has been marred heavily by a single-handed decision taken by an individual or two of the rugby administration.
With the loss of a handsome sponsorship income of Rs.19 million, SLR has now been forced to utilise its own funds, and according to sources it’s learnt that it had diverted the budgets that are meant for development projects to conduct the club league.
The sudden loss of a potential financial commitment could have made SLR almost Rs 30 million richer overall, in funding, publicity and marketing combined, and it is reliably learnt that the rugby administration has fractured from within with many opposing the inappropriate decision of its hierarchy.
However the responsibilities given to each member of SLR in taking forward the league competition, are being carried out by the said individuals in the best interest of the game, according to insiders.
With plans being drawn and paperwork finalised by individuals and committees appointed to run the league, it is believed that many, even some from within the SLR, are not surprised if the tournament comes to an abrupt end midway with operational issues looming as the competition progresses.