Kilinochchi farmers protest, throw away organic fertilisers
View(s):With only weeks left for harvest, marked by the Thaipongal festival early next year, frustrated farmers in Kilinochchi took their protests into paddy fields this week alleging that the so-called organic fertilisers given to them turned out to be a disaster.
Holding ‘approved’ organic fertiliser cans distributed to them under a subsidy basis as an alternative for chemical fertiliser by the Agrarian Department, farmers in Ramanathapuram, Kilinochchi threw them away since there was no impact in the growth of paddy crops after they were used.
- Farmers query the efficacy of the fertiliser issued by the Govt.
- Farmers say organic fertiliser they were given was no good (Pix by N Lohathayalan)
In addition to the inefficiency, its bad odour also discouraged farmers from using it. Those who come into contact with organic fertiliser suffered skin rashes and infections on their body.
M Sivamohan, Secretary of Iranaimadhu Farmers Federation, said that farmers are facing a bleak future without adequate fertiliser made available to them on time even though the ban on importing chemical fertiliser was lifted last month.
Farmers observed that most crops turned yellow due to a lack of minerals in the soil, and as a result, produced only a handful of grains compared to before when chemical fertiliser was used. Many farmers are worried whether the upcoming harvest will provide them enough paddy at least for their own consumption, and are doubtful about having enough to sell paddy to millers.
Currently, adulterated urea mix is being sold at Rs 22,000 to Rs 30,000 in the black market and desperate farmers are taking loans to purchase them since there are no other suitable alternative fertilisers available in the market.
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