Nikini Poya : First congregation of Buddhist monks to preserve the teachings of the Buddha
Today August 22, is Nikini Full Moon Poya. It is an important Poya in the annals of Buddhist history. Three months after the Buddha’s parinirvana (passing away), the first Dhamma Sangayanaya (Council) with 500 bhikkhus was held on a Nikini Poya. Ven. Ananda Maha Thera, the chief attendant of the Buddha, attained arahantship on this day.
The Pasu Vas retreat for bhikkhus who were unable to retreat for the rainy season on Esala Full Moon Poya, also begins with Nikini Poya. The monks are permitted to observe the retreat season the day after Nikini Poya but they are not presented with the katina civaraya. Instead they are offered the vassavasika civara (robe).
In Sri Lanka, the Sri Dalada Perahera in Kandy ends with the Day Perahera on the day after Nikini Poya.
After Buddha’s parinirvana, three Sangha Councils were held in India. When it was known that the Buddha’s parinirvana was nearing, many monks were sad and lamented. But one monk, Subaddha said “Do not be sad monks. After the Buddha’s passing away we have the freedom to live our lives the way we like. There will be no one to impose rules and regulations on us.”
Arahant Maha Kasyapa Thera foreseeing disharmony amongst the bhikkhus, organised the First Sangha Council, to recollect and protect the Thathagatha Sri Sadharmaya and keep it in memory.
The first sangayanaya was held in India, Rajagaha Nuwara, near Wehara rock in front of Sapthaparni cave. King Ajasatta made a beautiful mandapaya for the bhikkhus to be seated and provided dana (alms) and all other requirements for the 500 monks.
It was necessary for the arahants to meet, discuss and recollect the Thathagatha Dhamma and Vinaya (discipline) and pass it on in memory to be protected for future generations.
The following reasons were attributed for holding the first sangayanaya:
- Thatagatha addressed Ven. Ananda on the Pirinivana Manchakaya and said “after Buddha’s parinirvana the teacher should be the Thatagatha Dhamma and the Vinaya.”
- Even during the Buddha’s lifetime, some monks distorted his teachings and this had to be corrected.
- To categorise and organise the discourses of the Buddha in proper order.
- To dispel false beliefs and preserve the pure and profound teachings of the Buddha as it was preached by the Thatagatha for 45 years.
Although now it is called the Tripitaka (three baskets), the Buddha’s teachings were mainly categorised only into two main sections: the Vinaya Pitakaya and Sutta Pitakaya, in the Sangayanaya. It was 200 years later that Abidharma was added and then it became the Tripitaka.
- 227 Vinaya rules were imposed for the bhikkhus.
- 304 Vinaya rules were imposed for the bhikkhunis.
The Sutta Pitakaya and the Vinaya Pitakaya were discussed in the form of questions and answers. A group of arahants headed by arahant Upali was given the responsibility of keeping the vinaya rules in memory and to protect them as Vinaya Pitakaya.
The Sutta sangayanaya (Discourses of the Buddha) also took place in the form of question and answers. Arahant Ananda was entrusted with the Sutta Pitakaya.
“Monks, you must discipline yourself to teach and encourage others to listen, understand and practise the pure Dhamma” were the Buddha’s words.
Remembering these important events on Nikini Poya, thousands of devotees would usually visit temples but this year with the COVID threat, people will conduct their religious observances in the safety of their homes.