A/L exams in the ‘new normal’

The G.C.E.(A/L) exams began this week under strict COVID-19 health guidelines. A scene captured outside an examination hall in Colombo. Pic by Indika Handuwala
Severe shortage of teachers will be a huge blow to education system: CTU
The country’s primary and secondary education system will experience a huge blow from a severe shortage of around 20,000 teachers within national and provincial schools in the near future, the Ceylon Teacher’s Union (CTU) said recently. A mass recruitment of about 70,000 teachers which took place between1989-1990 would lead to a large number of teachers [...]
Students at risk, and all campuses should be closed, says IUSF convener
The health of university students are at stake due to the lack of proper health and hygiene facilities at state universities, Inter University Students Federation (IUSF) Convener Ven. Rathkarawwe Jinarathana thera said. He said a letter had been sent to the University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman. In the letter it is mentioned that university students [...]
2500 youth undergoing vocational training in limbo
An arrears of Rs 57 Million in state institutions that train students who drop out of school in Grade 10, threatens to fracture the 13 years of schooling for all school children. The Education Times learned that the Education Ministry’s failure to pay the promised Rs. 25,000 for each student in vocational training institutions has resulted [...]
Sri Jayewardenepura University conducts 200 PCR tests as COVID cases rise
The Sri Jayewardenepura University conducted 200 PCR tests this week to identify those infected with the COVID-19 virus after the Health Ministry requested universities to conduct the tests. The Ministry issued this directive after the number of COVID cases began increasing, University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Sampath Amaratunge said. He said the Health Ministry Secretary [...]
Stay Safe and Study Online

As COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in Sri Lanka, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissues. We have listed some other pertinent ways of staying safe as advised by the World Health [...]
ECU Sri Lanka: Provides access to world-class learning experiences

Study for a Bachelor of Science (Nursing Studies) at Australia’s Top Public University for undergraduate teaching quality at the new Campus in Sri Lanka ECU Sri Lanka – Bringing World Ready Home Edith Cowan University’s Sri Lanka Campus represents the future of university education in this country: local, accessible and integrated with the healthcare industry, [...]
Be a Business icon with Msu through Bachelor in International Business (Hons) Degree
Management and Science University (MSU) is a Malaysian top international private university providing award-winning programmes that meet stringent standards. Committed to excellence in delivering quality human capital across critical-need areas of the global workplace, MSU is Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Times Higher Education (THE) ranked, as well as accredited by the Sri Lanka’s University Grants [...]
Should it be STP or STPP?

What’s the additional P? Foundation of any marketing or branding campaign is undoubtedly the S-T-P process (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning). The marketing or branding campaigns completely rely on how well the segment is identified and how well the creation of a unique image is executed in the minds of the target consumer. Conventionally this process [...]
A new wave in Energy Management – Master of Energy Management Degree offered by The Open University of Sri Lanka

A first of its kind in Sri Lanka is unique UGC approved SLQF Level 9 one year Master Degree Programme in Energy Management offered by the Depart of Mechanical Engineering of The Open University of Sri Lanka. This Master’s degree Programmeme is expected to fill the gap that prevents many graduates who aspire to become [...]
Most Guranteed Medical Degree Pathway

Pre-Med To Medicine – 100% Online Delivery Method from Traditional Teaching Systems to Evolving E-Classrooms You could be a student aspiring to obtain a Medical degree with “enough” or “less” academic qualifications (London/Local A-Level Results). Most Sri-Lankan students struggle on certain areas regarding the “eligibility” to enter a Medical University such as, 1. “I have [...]
FITIS enables Digital Solutions for companies
The Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS) is the apex body of the ICT industry has launched a series of corporate webinars under the theme “Ask FITIS For Your Digital Solutions” for C-Level participants of companies to engage in a virtual conversation with tech leaders who are members and partners of FITIS. Abbas [...]
Role of WOMEN during COVID Pandemic

Corona virus is an upper respiratory track illness which is highly contagious. It could rapidly spread via micro droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales, via gastrointestinal track, and mucous membranes via contaminated fingers. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You [...]
Online, blended and face to face delivery modes for after A/Level Dual Diploma intake at ESOFT

ESOFT Metro Campus, being a premier private sector higher education institute with the largest network in Sri Lanka, has taken a variety of novel initiatives to handle the upcoming post A/L Dual Diploma intake. ESOFT has been the most sought after institution for IT and English Dual Diplomas among the school leavers. Expressing his ideas [...]
SLIM organises Battle of Brain Champs Corporate Quiz Competition
For the 3rd consecutive year, the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing, SLIM, will organise its annual corporate marketing quiz themed ‘Battle of Brain Champs’, to be held at Marino Beach Hotel in Colombo on 7th October 2020. This year’s quiz is sure to be an evening of intellectual stimulation and competitive spirit. SLIM has organised [...]
Study medicine at the world-renowned Yerevan State Medical University of Armenia Are you a student who is dreaming of fulfilling your life goal of becoming a doctor to go down in Sri Lankan history? Look no further, because you can embark on a highly successful medical career right now by joining the next batch at [...]
International Research Conference 2020 Successfully launched

General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University commenced its two-day International Research Conference under the theme “Holistic Approach to National Growth and Security,”on 15th October 2020. The inaugural sessionof the conference held for the 13th consecutive time was graced bythe presence of Hon Minister of Education,Professor GL Peiris as the Chief Guest, and Professor KapilaPerera, Secretary [...]
Interact launch new theme; Learning to live with Covid!

In the backdrop of Sri Lanka moving to a community level spread on Covid-19, one of the most influential school associations ‘ Interact’ launches a new cutting edge theme based on the WHO announcement that the world must learn to cope with the virus than go for lockdown. The new theme is branded ‘ Learning [...]
Are Your Five Senses Trash Bins?

We, human beings are born with five main senses that we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch alongside with their sensing organs the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body. They are linked with each other to transfer information to our brain in order to help us understand and perceive the world around us. However, [...]
Shine as a Confident Communicatorin New Normal

Most people need a boost for their lives and career, following the stress and challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic and adapting to the new normal. New avenues and innovative thinking is needed to face the change and go forward in life The Rainbow Institute of Communication and English has successfully launched new programmes for [...]
Study Engineering, IT, Business and Bio Medical in World Ranked Universities in France

France remains to be one of the most developed countries in the world. France is a member of European Union and is the most visited tourist destination in the world. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Louvre, Montmartre, Arc Triomphe, Versailles, and River Seine remain to be the most popular destinations. The French economy is well [...]
Prospects Academy in collaboration with AeU commences its 8th Masters Degree in Education intake

Prospects Academy, a joint venture partner of Ladies College Institute of Professional Studies (LCIPS – a subsidiary of Ladies’ College, Colombo) in partnership with the Asia e University, Malaysia announced the commencement of its 8th Masters Degree in Education (MED) intake on 20th September 2020. At present, Prospects Academy conducts Diploma, Bachelors Degree and [...]
A generous donation: Senior UOC alumnus gifts luxury passenger bus to Science Faculty

A brand new 33-seater air conditioned luxury passenger bus was donated to the University of Colombo’s (UOC) Science Faculty at a simple ceremony recently held at the University’s College House. The donation was made by M/S Multiform Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd through its Chairman Thilak Karunaratne. He is a Former President and Council Member of the UOC [...]
A school student’s innovation

J. M. D. J. B. Jayawardene, a Grade 13 student of Sumangala Vidyalya in Kandy has developed a device for dispensing sanitiser without any wastage. The student said, when people use a sanitiser dispenser, there is a wastage of the liquid, and he created this device to avoid a wastage. This device was presented to the Central Province [...]
SLIM Liyaka Mahima Trade Fair witnesses great success

Liyaka Mahima Trade Fair, initiated by SLIM in collaboration with SABAH (SAARC Business Association of Home-Based Workers), was officially declared open on 25th September at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH). The Trade Fair, which was organised under the ‘Restart Sri Lanka’ initiative, concluded on 27th September after a successful exhibition. The opening ceremony [...]
Blood Donation drive by Win-Stone Alumni
Blood donation is a major concern to the society as donated blood is lifesaving for individuals who need it. Blood is scarce. There is a shortage to active blood donors to meet the need of increased blood demand. Blood donation is also a therapeutic exercise. As such, the senior graduating batches at the Win-Stone School [...]