Beautiful faces at the Rowing Regatta

With an overwhelming margin of 26 points Musaeus College ended the winning spree of Ladies’ College and bagged the Marie Musaeus Higgins Trophy after a lapse of five years in their 13th annual Rowing Regatta on the water of Beira Lake recently. Captured here are photographs from the event. Pix by Amila Gamage
Weaving rhymes with fluid narratives

‘OJ Da Tamil Rapper’ began his schooling life as Anoj, playing beats on his classroom desk at the tender age of 11, later he formed a crew and dropped the ‘an’ from his name. As far as OJ is concerned, grass roots Sri Lankan rap originated from St Thomas Bandarawela. He remembers fondly the huge [...]
Eat street comes alive

‘Eat Street’ market concluded recently on World Children’s day. Due to this happy coincidence, organisers piled all their efforts in to making the day as family friendly as possible. In addition to the ubiquitous food stalls and styles that one finds at most Colombo markets there was an outdoor cinema,bang in the middle of Green [...]
James Arthur returns to the charts

James Arthur who was once dismissed as an artist who would never return has confounded his critics as his song ‘Say You Won’t Let Go’ has remained unmoved at the top of the UK singles chart for a second week. This week the song has 27,000 combined sales to give it the edge above the [...]