Revolutionising Sri Lanka’s education system
A book chronicling the life and work of P. de S. Kularatne, titled ‘Kularatne of Ananda’ was launched on December 4 at the Kularatne Hall of Ananda College.
The author, Kamalika Peiris, is also the grand niece of Mr. Kularatne. This is the first comprehensive English biography of Mr. Kularatne to have been released.
Professor J. B. Disanayaka speaking at the launch remarked that Mr. Kularatne dedicated his life to restore Sinhala to its place of former glory and therefore we should honour his legacy by speaking in Sinhala.
He then continued in Sinhala to relate many interesting facts about the life and times of Mr. Kularatne. This included a recollection of the tireless efforts of Mr. Kularatne to raise funds for Ananda College in the face of much adversity.
It was also mentioned that teachers were recruited based on their teaching ability regardless of whether they were Sinhalese or not.
Mr. Kularatne’s contribution to the modern education system of Sri Lanka by replacing subjects like Latin with subjects of more relevance to Sri Lankans such as Pali, was hailed as a revolutionary move.
Professor Sudharshan Seneviratne began his speech with the Pali phrase Pujacha pujaniyanam (respect those who should be respected) and stated that ‘Kularatne should be revered’.
He added on to Prof. Disanayaka’s comments regarding Mr. Kularatne’s aim of promoting racial harmony by explaining how Sinhala children were taught Tamil and vice versa.
It was his opinion that these spoken Sinhala and Tamil classes were the favourite subjects of both teachers and students. He felt that if the trend had continued on to become a regular part of education it ‘would have prevented the bloody carnage that lasted 30 years’.
The evening was concluded with everyone rising to sing the school song ‘Dina Dina Kithu Gosa Bo Vee’.
For more details please contact

Professor J. B. Disanayaka

Professor Sudharshan Seneviratne

Author Kamalika Peiris autographs a book