‘Addicted’ a drama thriller movie based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Zane will be released at Empire Cineplex, Colombo from Ocotober 10, coinciding with its worldwide release. Directed by Bille Woodruff, the film revolves around a gallerist who risks her family and flourishing career when she enters into an affair with [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Woman’s struggle against herself


‘Addicted’ a drama thriller movie based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Zane will be released at Empire Cineplex, Colombo from Ocotober 10, coinciding with its worldwide release.

Directed by Bille Woodruff, the film revolves around a gallerist who risks her family and flourishing career when she enters into an affair with a talented painter and slowly loses control of her life. The situation threatens to ruin her and her family. The film stars Kat Graham, William Levy and Boris Kodjoe in the lead.

Successful businesswoman Zoe Reynard appears to have attained it all – the dream husband she loves, two wonderful children and a flourishing career. As perfect as everything appears from the outside, Zoe is still drawn to temptations she cannot escape or resist. As she pursues a secretive life, Zoe finds herself risking it all when she heads down a perilous path in which she may not survive.

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