Home » BankingTechnological innovations at HNB Assurance

First insurer in Sri Lanka to come up with a set of comprehensive Android, mobile and web based applications, enabling their customers to receive enhanced services. HNB Assurance has marked another innovative milestone in the Sri Lankan insurance industry by utilizing mobile technology in providing customer services. HNBA is the first insurance company to come [...]
DFCC continues to instill environmental awareness in children

In early 2009, a team of blue t-shirt clad Bank Executives waked into 30 different schools scattered around the Island with a mission in mind. They wanted to help teachers transform their schools to places where kids would enjoy coming to and parents would be proud of sending their children. After one year of committed [...]
HNB Credit Cards, offer superior value additions!!!

The Sunday Times Advertising Desk spoke to The Chief Manager – Card Centre Mr. Upali Elapata, Mr. M.R. Jaleel, Junior Executive Card Acquisition & Business Development and Mr. Asiri Gamage from Hatton National Bank (HNB), to find out more details on what the bank offers to its credit cardholders. HNB is a premier private commercial bank [...]
Orient Finance expand rapidly with value added innovative products
Orient Finance PLC (OFP) is a company licensed by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Business Finance Act no: 42 of 2011 and is an entity listed on the DiriSavi Board of the Colombo Stock Exchange. This venture has grown by enhancing its product portfolio and expanding its branch [...]