
International Scholar ( ISES ) – Guiding you to choose your career dream

Students completing secondary education have reached a very crucial milestone in their education careers. For any young person at this crucial juncture desirous of building a successful future career, the time will soon approach the moment when the foundation stone has to be laid for the intending career structure. Any structure built on a solid foundation is able to withstand the most ferocious of storms. On the other hand a beautiful structure on a poor foundation is very susceptible even to the light winds that frequent the local and global economic environment.

The basis for laying a solid foundation for a successful career is preparing future plans based on correct information and sound advice. This is where we at International Scholar are very happy to help you. In our long existence spanning over twelve years we have guided many young people on the path to successful careers. The best measure of the value placed on the advice and the correct information we provide is the continuous chain of former students having built successful careers keep referring new students to us. Over 90% of our work is from referrals of students.

Our counsellors are long serving members of a very professional team. If the study destination is a foreign country, the counsellor needs to have a sound knowledge of the visa requirements of immigration authorities in those countries.

The requirements are changing frequently and these changes need to be monitored and students advised accordingly. Counsellors should be careful not to provide false information and give unrealistic expectations to students. Irrespective of the ensuing financial gain or loss it is important to provide factual information.

In the “Global Village” the opportunities are many. To take advantage of the opportunities available, a well thought out strategy needs to be put in place which in turn requires careful planning.

One sure way to do this is to contact ISES which is a trusted education consultancy providing free and comprehensive career guidance and consultancy services to students interested in higher education. ISES is a streamlined agent of Australian High Commission, Singapore Education Specialist, New Zealand Education Specialist and a holder of UK education certificate for agents.

Contact International Scholar Educational Services (Pvt) Limited ( ISES ) on 011 2553466 or 2593571 or visit No.3. Daisy Villa Avenue, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04.

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