Filmmaker of ‘Pravegaya’ and ‘Maya’ and renowned assistant director Donald Jayantha was conferred the Manawa Hithawadi, Kalashoori, Deshamamaka, Lankaputhra honorary title recently. This honorary title given by the All Island Cultural Foundation President Sudharshana Gamale and Justice and Buddhasasana Minister’s secretary, P Ashoka Fernando.


Donald conferred with an honorary title


Filmmaker of ‘Pravegaya’ and ‘Maya’ and renowned assistant director Donald Jayantha was conferred the Manawa Hithawadi, Kalashoori, Deshamamaka, Lankaputhra honorary title recently.

This honorary title given by the All Island Cultural Foundation President Sudharshana Gamale and Justice and Buddhasasana Minister’s secretary, P Ashoka Fernando.

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