Rahula College Matara will host Hartley College Jaffna for the inaugural ‘Manimaram and Lal Wijesiriwardena Challenge Trophy’ limited over cricket encounter to be played at the Uyanwatta Stadium on January 1, 2017.“This encounter between the first XI cricket teams of Rahula College Matara and Hartley College Jaffna will be an annual fixture and will nurture [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Rahula Matara host Hartley Jaffna

For inaugural Manimaram and Lal Wijesiriwardena Trophy

Rahula College Matara will host Hartley College Jaffna for the inaugural ‘Manimaram and Lal Wijesiriwardena Challenge Trophy’ limited over cricket encounter to be played at the Uyanwatta Stadium on January 1, 2017.“This encounter between the first XI cricket teams of Rahula College Matara and Hartley College Jaffna will be an annual fixture and will nurture friendship and bonds between the players, staff and organisers” said Gemunu de Silva of the Rahula Old Cricketers Association who are organising the inaugural encounter.  “Hartley College will be organising the next game in 2018 and we are looking forward to it” he added.The Chief guests at the inaugural encounter will be Vice President of Sri Lanka Cricket Kangadaran Mathivanan and Ranjith Silva a former cricket coach of Rahula.


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