Shyamali Ranawaka, 38-year-old mother of two is suffering from an End Stage Renal Disease and is awaiting a kidney transplant. She is receiving treatment at the Colombo National Hospital. The doctors have requested for a kidney that is B negative, O positive or O negative for the transplant. Her husband is desperately seeking for someone [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

A plea for a kidney to save a life


Shyamali Ranawaka, 38-year-old mother of two is suffering from an End Stage Renal Disease and is awaiting a kidney transplant. She is receiving treatment at the Colombo National Hospital.

The doctors have requested for a kidney that is B negative, O positive or O negative for the transplant. Her husband is desperately seeking for someone willing to donate the required kidney for the surgery. Shyamali’s husband Asela Ranawaka could be contacted on 077 – 3204001 / 077- 2833315.


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