‘OUIJA’ Hollywood supernatural horror-thriller, a small box office success is now being screened at Gold Cinema of Empire Cineplex. Directed by Stiles White the film revolves around a girl who is mysteriously killed after recording herself playing with an ancient Ouija Board, which leads a close group of friends to investigate this crime. The film stars [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

A movie about a deadly game


‘OUIJA’ Hollywood supernatural horror-thriller, a small box office success is now being screened at Gold Cinema of Empire Cineplex. Directed by Stiles White the film revolves around a girl who is mysteriously killed after recording herself playing with an ancient Ouija Board, which leads a close group of friends to investigate this crime.

The film stars Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Daren Kagasoff, Douglas Smith and Bianca A. Santos. Following the sudden death of her best friend, Debbie, Laine finds an antique Ouija board in Debbie’s room and tries to use it to say goodbye. Instead, she makes contact with a spirit that calls itself DZ. As strange events begin to occur, Laine enlists others to help her determine DZ’s identity and what it wants. As the friends delve deeper, they find that Debbie’s mysterious death was not unique, and that they would suffer the same fate unless they learnt how to close the portal they’ve opened.

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