Seated left to right- Dr. Rupika S. Rajakaruna, Prof. Lakdas Fernando (President), Ms. Ayanthi M. Samarajeewa, Ms. Tami Flamer Caldera Standing first row left to right –Ranil Pieris (Hony Treasurer), Ravi Deraniyagala (Immediate Past President), Rukshan Jayewardene (Vice President), Rohan Wijesinha (Hony Gen. Secretary) Naresh Supramaniam, Darrel Batholomeusz Standing second row left to right- Rahula [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

WNPS office bearers


Seated left to right- Dr. Rupika S. Rajakaruna, Prof. Lakdas Fernando (President), Ms. Ayanthi M. Samarajeewa, Ms. Tami Flamer Caldera
Standing first row left to right –Ranil Pieris (Hony Treasurer), Ravi Deraniyagala (Immediate Past President), Rukshan Jayewardene (Vice President), Rohan Wijesinha (Hony Gen. Secretary) Naresh Supramaniam, Darrel Batholomeusz
Standing second row left to right- Rahula Dassenaike, Palitha Anthony, Namal Kamalgoda, Charitha Gooneratne (Vice President), Imran Jabeer, Mjr. Raajiv Dias Wanigasekera

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