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Police crack down on drunk-driving

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Palith Thewarapperuma engaging  in a fast-unto-death  campaign

Politicians’ antics, relatives’ threats after patient’s death close hospital

Section News


Jumbo love

Section News


A final Royal salute

Section News


Pettah’s beauty unveiled

Section News


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports


Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports

Anjalika in action

Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports

Asha, Ishan and Anjalika

Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports

Jerome in action

Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports

Prasad square cuts one to the fence

Five Star Cricket Fiesta

Section Sports

Sporting highlights 2013

Sport­ing high­lights of 2013

Section Sports


A radically new political critique needed in the New Year

Section Columns, Focus on Rights

Sank­ha Athu­kor­ale  (Na­tion­al ten­nis play­er) In terms of our na­tion­al ten­nis we have done well out­side Sri Lan­ka but with­in the coun­try we have strug­gled. But the game here is see­ing a lot of young, tal­en­ted play­ers com­ing up.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ru­wi­ni  Ya­ti­gam­ma­na  (Jun­ior  na­tion­ al  net­ball  play­er) - Our net­ball has seen a lot of pro­gress this year and I think it's the same with our bas­ket­ball. A lot of knowl­edge­a­ble for­eign coaches are com­ing in­to net­ball now.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ruk­mal Fer­nan­do  (Foot­ball of­fi­cial) - Club foot­ball is spread­ing out now through the Di­a­log Cham­pions Lea­gue and real­ly reach­ing the mass­es across Sri Lan­ka. In cer­tain areas, games can pull a crowd of about 3000 to 5000. So in terms of in­ter­est and en­thu­si­asm, the sport has real­ly en­joyed a good year. But our na­tion­al team's per­form­ance this year has been very dis­ap­point­ing.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

T. Priyan­tha (Three- wheel­er driv­er) - It has been an­oth­er year of sports be­ing spoilt by pol­i­ti­cians. They are just in­volved to make mon­ey so it isn't a great sur­prise that sports have large­ly been stuck in the mud.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Pre­e­thi Per­era  (Pres­i­dent of the  Kayak­ing and Ca­noe­ing  As­so­ci­a­tion) - Kayak­ing made tre­men­dous im­prove­ments this year. We reached the sem­i­fi­nals in Uz­be­ki­stan. So it has been a fab­u­lous year for such a young sport. Next year we want to try and take it in­to schools.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Par­a­kra­ma Ba­sa­nayake  (Vice Pres­i­dent of the  Sri Lan­ka Bad­min­ton  As­so­ci­a­tion) -  This is a tran­si­tion pe­ri­od so this year our Pres­i­dent fo­cused on de­vel­op­ment of play­ers and build­ing in­fra­struc­ture for the sport. It was a year where we star­ted look­ing to­wards the fu­ture of the sport.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Pal­i­tha Fer­nan­do  (Pres­i­dent of Sri Lan­ka  Ath­let­ics As­so­ci­a­tion) - This has def­i­nite­ly been a good year for ath­let­ics. We se­cured med­als at the Asian Grand Prix lev­el. We al­so launched sev­er­al de­vel­op­ment proj­ects. Over­all a lot of pro­gress was ach­ieved and there was no in­fight­ing so ev­ery­thing pro­cee­ded well.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Man­oj Abey­singhe  (Elite swim­ming  coach) -  This year swim­ming has im­proved tre­men­dous­ly. We aren't go­ing to sud­den­ly start win­ning med­als at ma­jor in­ter­na­tion­al com­pet­i­tions, that's im­pos­si­ble. But we are now pro­duc­ing swim­mers who are break­ing long­stand­ing lo­cal re­cords.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ko­sa­la Jaya­tis­sa  - (Ad­ver­tis­ing em­ploy­ee) I think this year had a lot if en­ter­tain­ing sports events. Of course we can't ex­pect to sud­den­ly see peo­ple win­ning in­ter­na­tion­al com­pet­i­tions, it takes time and we need to show pa­tience.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ka­sun Tham­ba­vi­la  - (Pri­vate sec­tor em­ploy­ee) I don't see any ma­jor im­prove­ment in Sri Lan­kan sports ex­cept for crick­et and rug­by. Maybe next year more fo­cus should be giv­en to oth­er sports.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

John De Ni­ese  (Row­ing of­fi­cial) - Quite a lot has been ac­com­plish­ed this year in row­ing. We have re­cor­ded lo­cal and in­ter­na­tion­al ach­ieve­ments. We had a coach­ing camp and got down an in­ter­na­tion­al coach and an um­pir­ing coach. So a strong foun­da­tion has been laid for more pro­gress next year.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Jayan­tha Can­diar­ach­chi  (Pri­vate sec­tor  em­ploy­er) - I have on­ly been fol­low­ing crick­et this year be­cause we are still not mak­ing our mark in oth­er sports. As far as our crick­et goes we are still very in­con­sis­tent but some good young play­ers are fi­nal­ly com­ing through.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Dil­roy Fer­nan­do  (Vet­er­an rug­by  ref­er­ee) We have fared well this year in both the Sev­ens and 15s, so all cred­it to the play­ers for do­ing such a great job. We should now try to fo­cus on youth rug­by and al­so our wom­en's team needs to do bet­ter. But what has been most im­pres­sive this year is how we beat a good Eu­ro­pe­an side in Po­land, es­pe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that this is the first time we were play­ing a team from that re­gion.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Cha­mara Cha­thur­an­ga  (Pri­vate sec­tor em­ploy­ee) Most oth­er sports will re­main stag­nant be­cause ev­ery­one on­ly wor­ries about crick­et. This is a shame be­cause there are so many hard­work­ing and gif­ted sports­men who are wait­ing to shine but get no sup­port. So this year did not bring much change for oth­er sports.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ash­ley de Sil­va (CEO of  Sri Lan­ka Crick­et) - If you look at a lot of things it has un­doubt­ed­ly been a very good year for crick­et in Sri Lan­ka. We have man­aged to re­main num­ber one in the T20 rank­ings and have played well in One Day­ers. We didn't play that many Test match­es this year so that is why we have not been able to move up in that for­mat. We should al­so re­mem­ber that this is a pe­ri­od of tran­si­tion when young­er play­ers are com­ing in­to the team.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports

Ana Pun­chi­he­wa (Sec­re­ta­ry of the Sri Lan­ka Golf Un­ion) This has been a very good year for golf and a ma­jor im­prove­ment on the pre­vi­ous one. Our play­ers are far­ing well in the PGTI, rook­ie Than­gar­a­jah won his first tour­na­ment. Mi­thun Per­era al­so did well and is now no.6. The num­ber of play­ers has al­so grown from 300 to 600. So all in all there have been ma­jor im­prove­ments this year.

How does the re­port card read?

Section Sports


New board to promote nutritious local food

Section Columns, Talk at the Cafe Spectator


New board to promote nutritious local food

Section Columns, Talk at the Cafe Spectator


New board to promote nutritious local food

Section Columns, Talk at the Cafe Spectator


Exhuming of skeletal remains in Mannar begins

Section News

Ashmika being rushed to the Puttalam Hospital.   Pic by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe

Be merry but avoid the verry this season

Section News

The sale of Christmas trees went well.  Pix by M.A. Pushpa Kumara

‘Tis the season to be jolly – but belts are tightened

Section News

Back home: Irfan and family with Lahore’s Archbishop  and Vicar General

Fleeing persecution, Pakistan’s Christians find a manger in Lanka

Section News

Temporary  haven across the seas: Irfan and family in their room  in Sri Lanka

Fleeing persecution, Pakistan’s Christians find a manger in Lanka

Section News

Christmas away from home:  Kashmala and Rashami  decorate a small tree.        Pix by M.A. Pushpa Kumara

Fleeing persecution, Pakistan’s Christians find a manger in Lanka

Section News

The rot in Pettah and Dambulla: Pictures show what the recent raids conducted by the Consumer Affairs Authority and the CMC brought forth. Pix by Mangala Weerasekera and Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa

Importers’ tricks stink as bad as the food they sell

Section News

The rot in Pettah and Dambulla: Pictures show what the recent raids conducted by the Consumer Affairs Authority and the CMC brought forth. Pix by Mangala Weerasekera and Kanchana Kumara Ariyadasa

Importers’ tricks stink as bad as the food they sell

Section News


Importers’ tricks stink as bad as the food they sell

Section News

The miners say an association was formed a few years ago to protect  the environment and prevent erosion along the Sitawaka River.  Pix by Somachandra Yakandawala

Sand miners beached by permit ban

Section News

Temporaray unity at last Saturday’s UNP convention. Pic by Susantha Liyanawatte

Blue New Year for the Rajapaksa regime

Section Columns, Political Column


Blue New Year for the Rajapaksa regime

Section Columns, Political Column


Plenty of pain in the annus mirabilis

Section 5th Column, Columns

Many pubs, clubs and bars in Colombo have special promotions targeting women

More women and youth in the lap of liquor

Section News

Many pubs, clubs and bars in Colombo have special promotions targeting women

More women and youth in the lap of liquor

Section News


More women and youth in the lap of liquor

Section News


More women and youth in the lap of liquor

Section News


‘Consolation ODI win and return of old hands a boost for Tests’ – Mathews

Section Sports


Born free and soon they’ll live free under care

Section News

Ponies on Delft island. Pic courtesy IUCN Sri Lanka

Born free and soon they’ll live free under care

Section News

Angelo Mathews (2nd from left) rushes to join his celebrating team mates in the fifth ODI against Pakistan. - AFP

‘Consolation ODI win and return of old hands a boost for Tests’ – Mathews

Section Sports


‘Consolation ODI win and return of old hands a boost for Tests’ – Mathews

Section Sports

Angelo Mathews (2nd from left) rushes to join his celebrating team mates in the fifth ODI against Pakistan. - AFP

‘Consolation ODI win and return of old hands a boost for Tests’ – Mathews

Section Sports

Angelo Mathews (2nd from left) rushes to join his celebrating team mates in the fifth ODI against Pakistan. - AFP

‘Consolation ODI win and return of old hands a boost for Tests’ – Mathews

Section Sports

The Spotted Dove

In the soft dawn of a New Year, a sweet sound will steal your heart

Section News

Oriental Magpie Robin - A common songster in our home gardens

In the soft dawn of a New Year, a sweet sound will steal your heart

Section News

Oriental Magpie Robin

In the soft dawn of a New Year, a sweet sound will steal your heart

Section News

The Sunbird. Pix courtesy  J.F.R.De Fonseka

In the soft dawn of a New Year, a sweet sound will steal your heart

Section News

Dialog Axiata officials Trinesh Fernando and Harsha Samaranayake present the Dialog Champions League 2013 trophy to Air Force skipper Harsha Fernando watched by FFSL officials Ranjith Rodrigo, Upali Hewage and R. Puvanandiran and the victorious Air Force team

Air Force edge out Renown 1-0 in thrilling final

Section Sports

The cost of an octopus varies  depending on its size

Buwallah the ideal ‘bite’

Section News

There has been no  study done on the octopuses of Sri Lanka

Buwallah the ideal ‘bite’

Section News

'Buwallahs' are plentiful during this time of the year and sellers can be seen displaying their ware as one travels beyond Galle

Buwallah the ideal ‘bite’

Section News

Many fish vendors switch to selling the 'buwallah' at this time of the year

Buwallah the ideal ‘bite’

Section News


Buwallah the ideal ‘bite’

Section News


Ending 2013 with signs of economic recovery, expectations and policy concerns

Section Columns, The Economic Analysis


Ending 2013 with signs of economic recovery, expectations and policy concerns

Section Columns, The Economic Analysis


Ending 2013 with signs of economic recovery, expectations and policy concerns

Section Columns, The Economic Analysis


A radically new political critique needed in the New Year

Section Columns, Focus on Rights

Chamara Kapugedara (3rd from left) and his SSC team mates celebrate their triumph

Chamara, Charith shine as SSC emerge champions

Section Sports

Left-arm paceman Charith Jayampthi bowled a spell of six overs to capture three top NCC wickets and went on to complete with four scalps setting SSC an easy victory in the final.  - Pix by Amila Gamage

Chamara, Charith shine as SSC emerge champions

Section Sports

Top seed in the Under-14 Boys category, Praveen Steele who won both Under-14 Singles and Doubles at the Kandy Garden Club Tennis Championship 2013

Archana Lokuge, Praveen Steele excels at Kandy GC Tennis

Section Sports

Fazil Marija and his men will be featured at the Hong Kong 7s after nearly a decade. - FIle pic

Sri Lanka makes Hong Kong Sevens return

Section Sports

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Sports Diary

Section Sports

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7th Millennium of Tennis

Section Sports


7th Millennium of Tennis

Section Sports

musinglogo Colour

How do we solve a problem like Malinga?

Section Sports

After being inconsistent in the first four games, Malinga returned to impress with four wickets in Sri Lanka's win against Pakistan on Friday - AFP

How do we solve a problem like Malinga?

Section Sports

South African Jonathan Kaplan officiated the second leg of the Bradby Shield - File pic

Rugby is suffering due to bad refereeing

Section Sports


Vintage feast

Section Magazine, Magazine


Vintage feast

Section Magazine, Magazine

Pic by Farah Nawshard


Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine

Pic by Salmah Shuhaib


Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine

Pic by Kasun Ranaweera


Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine

Amila Gamage


Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine

Pic by Kasun Ranaweera


Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine


Being responsible

Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine

The sock (not pictured) is fitted with sensors that detects where the wearer's foot lands on the ground in real time (Reuters)

Do you have two left feet? New smart socks can teach anyone how to dance

Section Sunday Times 2

JJ Twins. Pics by Susantha Liyanawatte

Twins in harmony

Section Magazine, Mirror Magazine


Celebrate this New Year on the ML beach 

Section Magazine, TV Times

Devyani : Moved to UN, but the diplomatic row continues

Devyani case: Angry India takes more retaliatory steps

Section Sunday Times 2

Indian students protest against the arrest of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade (AFP)

The international misrule of law

Section Sunday Times 2


‘Blast Thru’ with the Gypsies at Ramada

Section Magazine, TV Times

Christian sign directory pic 1

New Christian sign directory launched

Section Sunday Times 2


‘Chitrapata’ out now

Section Magazine, TV Times


Visually Handicapped choir perform traditional carols

Section Sunday Times 2

Ciolombo scope- Abbas Khider pic

Celebrating Sri Lankan contemporary art

Section Sunday Times 2


Sunsilk Hair Academy holds ‘Great Gatsby’ themed graduation

Section Sunday Times 2


Sunsilk Hair Academy holds ‘Great Gatsby’ themed graduation

Section Sunday Times 2


Sunsilk Hair Academy holds ‘Great Gatsby’ themed graduation

Section Sunday Times 2


New era at ‘Lake Side at Nuwarawewa’

Section Magazine, TV Times

Thalif Deen with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

UN journalism: Gold for Thalif

Section Sunday Times 2


‘Under the Mango Tree’ in Matara

Section Magazine, TV Times

This image taken by Andrew Peacock of www.footloosefotography.com on December 28 shows an inquisitive Adelie Penguin next to the stranded ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy, which is trapped in the ice at sea off Antarctica (AFP)

Rescue of stranded Antarctic ship stalls

Section Sunday Times 2

See what we can do: A cliff-jumper shows their album of photographs

Living on the edge

Section Plus

And up again: Climbing up the ramparts after the jump

Living on the edge

Section Plus

China's one-child policy has been in place since the 1970s (AFP)

China eases one-child policy, abolishes labour camps

Section Sunday Times 2

Suspended in mid-air: Watched by an anxious crowd, a cliff-jumper makes the leap . Pix by M.A. Pushpa Kumara

Living on the edge

Section Plus

India's Aam Aadmi Party (Common Man's Party) leader Arvind Kejriwal (AFP)

India anti-graft hero sworn in as Delhi top leader

Section Sunday Times 2

Thai anti-government protesters rally next to riot policemen (AFP)

Gunman in deadly attack on Thai opposition rally

Section Sunday Times 2

mangalyaan copy

India’s Martian chronicles: space conquest and realities on the ground

Section Sunday Times 2


Adding that Lankan touch to Christmas cake making!

Section Plus



Section Plus



Section Plus

A preparatory drive through Central Park, 1909

Harriet conquers Ceylon and the world

Section Plus

The Catholic Church's Father Renzo Lavator official has said that angels do exist but do not have wings (©CC BY 2.0 'Ethiopian Angel' by A.Davey)

‘Angels exist but they don’t have wings’

Section Sunday Times 2

Harriet, her entourage, Honk-Honk, and supplies, San Francisco, 1910

Harriet conquers Ceylon and the world

Section Plus

The Vatican official, an 'angelologist', said: 'You do not see angels so much as feel their presence' (Reuters)

‘Angels exist but they don’t have wings’

Section Sunday Times 2


The 7 Herculean Labours of Minister No 70

Section Columns, Sunday Punch

Special Project minister Chandrasena

The 7 Herculean Labours of Minister No 70

Section Columns, Sunday Punch

SAARC leaders at the Bhutan summit in 2010. Pic courtesy PTI

SAARC anthem to celebrate our South Asianness

Section Sunday Times 2

Kishani: Happy to perform for a cause close to her heart

I want everyone to be touched by my performance

Section Plus

SAARC leaders at the Bhutan summit in 2010. Pic courtesy PTI

SAARC anthem to celebrate our South Asianness

Section Sunday Times 2

saarc copy

SAARC anthem to celebrate our South Asianness

Section Sunday Times 2


“Domus” A much needed home for the arts and the artists

Section Plus

cyclone 4

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

cyclone 4

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

Figure 3

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

Marking 25 years: Bob Livingston and Feizal Samath at Country Roads:

Who took centrestage?

Section Plus

cyclone 2

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

Beven makes a comeback with ‘Heritage’

Who took centrestage?

Section Plus

cyclone 1

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

A still from the film Sri Siddhartha Gautama that wowed local audiences

Who took centrestage?

Section Plus

Cyclone 3

Cyclones: Sri Lanka’s underrated hazard

Section Sunday Times 2

Indian letter writers wait for customers at their roadside stalls located opposite the General Post Office in Mumbai (AFP)

Mumbai’s last generation of letter writers signs out

Section Sunday Times 2

Some people say you should have two spoonfuls of mashed potato with plenty of butter before a drink (© CC BY-SA 2.0 'Mashed potatoes with a pad of butter' by quinn.anya)

Cure your hangover with mashed potatoes

Section Sunday Times 2

FIreworls around the Burj Khalifa (Reuters)

Dubai promises record-breaking New Year’s Eve firework show

Section Sunday Times 2

The sock (not pictured) is fitted with sensors that detects where the wearer's foot lands on the ground in real time (Reuters)

Do you have two left feet? New smart socks can teach anyone how to dance

Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2



Section Sunday Times 2


Wildlife portraiture at its best

Section Plus


Wildlife portraiture at its best

Section Plus


Wildlife portraiture at its best

Section Plus

YEAR END: Last Farewells 2013

From despair to hope, dare to dream the impossible dream

Section Sunday Times 2

Pakistani student Malala Yousafzai (2nd R) is greeted by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in New York during the UN Youth Assembly. The UN has declared July 12 “Malala Day”, which is also Yousafzai's birthday, and will host the  UN Youth Assembly.  AFP

From despair to hope, dare to dream the impossible dream

Section Sunday Times 2

Pope Francis: Top priority for worldwide social issues

From despair to hope, dare to dream the impossible dream

Section Sunday Times 2


A piece of authentic fiction

Section Plus


Traditional hospitality in a modern setting

Section Plus

From left to right: Mats Berdal (Professor - War Studies Department, Kings College, UK), Wegger Strommen (Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway at the time when Norway was to be considered as the facilitator in the Sri Lankan peace process. He was involved only for a short time because there was a change of government and Eric Solheim became Norway's peace envoy), Ms. Suganthie Kadirgamar, Sir Adam Roberts, Mariano Aguirre (Director, Norwegian Peace Building Resource Center).

Conflict resolution in Lanka: Three defining questions

Section Sunday Times 2

Sporting highlights 2013

Sporting highlights of 2013

Section Sports

Mughal wonder: Humayan’s tomb. Pic courtesy Dennis Jarvis

Hauz Khas and a garden tomb

Section Plus

Basic CMYK

Referees; rugby traditions, where are we heading?

Section Sports

Rugby traditions have gradually changed in Sri Lanka as most teams prefer to meet each other on the field and skip after-match socials. - Pic by Amila Gamage

Referees; rugby traditions, where are we heading?

Section Sports

Dharmapala batsman Harsha Gallage, who hit an unbeaten 82, is about to launch a shot  against Ananda at Ananda Mawatha. - Pic by Amila Gamage

Harsha and Jayampathi guide Dharmapala

Section Sports


“Lankan teens understand their tasks” – Coach Naveed Nawaz

Section Sports

Sri Lanka Under-19s were engaged in their final training session at the NCC, before leaving for Abu Dhabi for the ACC Under-19 Asia Cup which is in progress at present with the participation of eight teams. - Pix by Amila Gamage

“Lankan teens understand their tasks” – Coach Naveed Nawaz

Section Sports

Daniel Ricciardo - Lifestyle

F1 racer Ricciardo pleased with Sri Lankan outing

Section Sports

The championship winning Red Bull F1 car was on show in Colombo with its new drive Daniel Ricciardo (below). - Pix by Hasitha Kulasekara

F1 racer Ricciardo pleased with Sri Lankan outing

Section Sports

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F1 racer Ricciardo pleased with Sri Lankan outing

Section Sports

Ashan Silva (L) and Ned Daniel (R)

Ashan Silva, Ned Daniel crowned kings

Section Sports


Shinagawa Beach resort: Friendship and luxury on the sands of Balapitiya

Section Plus


Shinagawa Beach resort: Friendship and luxury on the sands of Balapitiya

Section Plus

Pg 1

Delicious kanjee

Section Business Times

A female Humpback whale and its ten day old calf

Into the deep with the Great Whites

Section Plus

Tiger Shark surveying its surroundings after eating a dead Whale. Photo taken in Western Australia

Into the deep with the Great Whites

Section Plus

The White shark: Determined to get  inside the divers’ cage

Into the deep with the Great Whites

Section Plus


Global Economic Outlook for 2014 and Sri Lanka

Section Business Times

Picture  shows Nestlé S.A’s. Executive Vice President Nandu Nandkishore  explaining their strategy.

Nestle SA to expand nutritious food and beverage industry in the emerging Asian markets including Sri Lanka

Section Business Times


A fishing they go in Vakarai

Section Plus


A fishing they go in Vakarai

Section Plus

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Windows Phone security breach risk ‘negligible’ : Microsoft SL

Section Business Times

Sunil Rajapaksha Manager HR & Productivity Improvement of H J S Condiments Limited  receives the Silver award from Mahinda Madihewa Secretary to the  Ministry.

The HJS Condiments Limited wins a Silver Award for social dialogue and workplace Cooperation

Section Business Times

Dinner at the Travellers’ Club

Sir Wilfred Thesiger and the snows of Kilimanjaro

Section Plus

Sir Wilfred Thesiger  and Christopher Ondaatje

Sir Wilfred Thesiger and the snows of Kilimanjaro

Section Plus


Tourist traffic snarls at 3 % pace in November

Section Business Times

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Kingsbury celebrations

Section Business Times

Cinnamon Bey Beruwala copy

Cinnamon properties draped in holiday décor this season

Section Business Times, Uncategorized


SUNFO felicitates society leaders

Section Plus


New book detailing life as a planter

Section Plus


Thank God Christmas comes once a year…

Section Plus


The first day at school

Section Funday Times


Prince Charles visits the Central hills of Sri Lanka

Section Funday Times


Prince Charles visits the Central hills of Sri Lanka

Section Funday Times


Fun Maths and Science

Section Funday Times


Guess who?

Section Funday Times

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