
7th December 1997


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Come, see the Birth

Virgin Mary and Joseph, and Baby Jesus surrounded by the animalsChristmas is fast approaching and lest we forget the religious theme of the festival amidst all the material trappings that accompany it, the Catholic Church has organised a "Festival of Cribs" to be held from Friday December 12 at the Jubilee Hall, Archbishop's House in Colombo. The festival will continue to be open to the public from 2-7 p.m on Saturday and Sunday, December 13 and 14.

The idea of having a crib representing the nativity scene, with the figures of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, and the Baby Jesus surrounded by the animals in the manger is not something new, says Fr. Bertram Dabrera, one of the organisers.

It has been a practice during Christmas time that in churches and homes, these cribs be set up. He says the idea is to invite people from all walks of life, from all communities to come and see the message of the Birth.

The concept of the crib was popularised by St Francis of Assisi who it is said, during a visit to Rome in 1223 requested Pope Honorius 111 for the permission to make a scenic representation of the Nativity. On Christmas Eve, at a place called Greccio, St Francis with the help of a friend constructed a crib and arranged around it the figures of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, the ox and ass and the shepherds who had come to pay homage to the Blessed Babe.

The practice of cribsThat night as St Francis was celebrating Mass, legend has it that as he knelt to pray before the crib a child appeared in his arms, surrounded by a brilliant light. Ever since, the practice of constructing a crib in churches and homes has been followed by the faithful.

"I asked a little boy what he would want to put around the crib and he told me he would like to bring his little puppy to tie up near the crib, so he could protect the Baby Jesus," said Fr Dabrera. "Similarly, a group of young girls said they would like to include a young plantain tree in the scene, since this was an auspicious symbol in our country."

Fr Dabrera stresses though the practice of cribs was probably introduced here by the Portuguese who brought Catholicism to the country, over the years the crib has been as much a Sri Lankan tradition and what we will probably see are cribs with a strong Sri Lankan influence. "During the Dutch persecution, it was probably treason if you were caught putting up a crib in your home, but still the practice survived. Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas and during this time we should find time for spirituality to put the thought of Christmas and its message of peace to all people," he said.

Manel Abhayaratna, Editor of the Catholic Messenger who has been the main force behind the crib festival adds they expect the participation of over 40 church groups at this year's event.

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