10 years on, this Trust Fund is still a heartfelt need for many

Humble paddy and vegetable farmer, S.P. Sirisena (65), from the village of Nedungamuwa, around 7km from Welimada town is back at home tending his fields. Several months ago, though, it was when he was in the fields that he got an excruciating chest pain and hospital visits and tests found that vessels supplying blood to [...]
The struggle for the Bhikkhuni Sasana to be revived in Sri Lanka

Unduvap Full Moon Poya falls on December 14 this year and the Sri Pada season will begin on this day. Importantly, Unduvap Poya marks the arrival of Sanghamitta Theri in Sri Lanka in the 3rd century B.C., bringing with her a sapling of the Sri Maha Bodhi from Buddha Gaya as a gift from Emperor Ashoka [...]
Wolfgang Stange: A life in dance

“You are never too old if you really want to do something!” These are the words by which our dear friend, Wolfgang Stange, lived his entire life. Born in West Berlin in 1947, he lived through adversity from his earliest days. He painted vivid memories of his family home serving as a ‘safe house’ for [...]
Letters to the Editor
A plea to revisit the EIA for Galle sea reclaiming project This refers to the news article titled “Galle Sea to be reclaimed for major development project” in the Sunday Times. Galle Bay was used as the main harbour of Ceylon during the Dutch period. Manmade structures in the recent past, have left only the [...]

A livewire in the country’s electrical engineering field Rienzie Fernando It was shocking and utterly depressing news, when I heard that Rienzie had succumbed to his injuries after getting thrown from a moving bus. Soon, there was a call from overseas confirming the tragic ending of Rienzie’s life. The only solace left to overcome the [...]
The convent, the JVP and a new start

Chitra Bopage’s life story could easily be lifted from the pages of The Sound of Music: a vibrant young woman with a beautiful voice, an irrepressible spirit, challenging norms and carving out her own path. Nun Other Than, a documentary about Chitra’s extraordinary journey, directed by Dr. Udan Fernando, was recently screened in Colombo and [...]
Surgical feats amidst the horrors of a full scale war

Although many books have been published on the war, this is the first attempt by a Doctor of Medicine who was operationally involved and serving in the thick of war for almost the whole duration of the conflict to record his experiences. It was non-stop reading. In this age of social/electronic media taking much preference [...]
A collective trauma shared between five characters

It was a haunting night at the Goethe Institut in Colombo, when Kälam Theatre from Jaffna presented ‘I’m Hungry, Too’ to the strains of traditional Yaalpaanam music – a Tamil theatre performance made up of a series of arresting monologues. The chill we felt had nothing to do with the pre-seasonal December nip in Colombo: [...]
It’s time for the familiar and something new at the SOSL Christmas concert

Christmas is fast approaching – that ‘most wonderful time of the year’, when the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka (SOSL) brings forth their annual much-anticipated Christmas concert. On December 13 and 15 at 7 p.m., the Bishop’s College auditorium in Colombo will be filled with the sounds of warmth, joy and nostalgia, the music of [...]
Soulscapes, where creativity flowed

Deeply rooted in a woven tale, lined with pastels, shades of red, green and blue, sculptures moulded with clay – and installations were among the art works seen at ‘Soulscapes’ presented by the Shyamala School of Art. The work collected over one and half years, of 180 students and exhibited on November 27 and 28 [...]
Paradise Road; going beyond a store to a lifestyle space

Paradise Road has officially launched its first-ever lifestyle space, combining a retail experience with an art gallery. Located in a striking black cubic building in the heart of Colombo 3, the space spans four floors. Throughout the space, stunning artwork and sculptures by artists such as JC Rathnayake, Chudamani Clowes, and Sivasubramaniam Kajendran are displayed. [...]
Talk on gender equality and new global challenges
Rangita de Silva de Alwis will talk on ‘CEDAW and emerging global challenges’ on December 12 at 4 p.m. at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES). Professor de Silva de Alwis is a member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the committee of experts that monitors the Convention on the [...]
A conversation with Bishop Duleep de Chickera on his recent book

A conversation with Bishop Duleep de Chickera on his book Beyond Checkpoints: Stories of Human Resilience in Troubled Sri Lanka, will take place on December 12 from 5 p.m.- 6.30 p.m. at the Diocesan Chambers, Cathedral of Christ the Living Saviour, Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 7. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Mahendran Thiruvarangan, Senior [...]
Today, don’t miss the carol service and fair at the Anglican Cathedral
The Cathedral of Christ the Living Saviour on Bauddhaloka Mawatha will hold its traditional Christmas carol service presented by the Cathedral choir today, Sunday, December 8, at 5 p.m. All are welcome. The carol service will be followed by the Christmas fair from 6 p.m.- 11 p.m. where an array of stalls has been lined [...]
Array of Christmas gift items at Daya Mina exhibition, sale
‘Our World’ – a delightful exhibition and sale of candles, decorations, cards, linen and gift items made by the students of Daya Mina, Meth Mihira and Supem Uya centres for the differently abled will be held on December 11 from 10.30 a.m. -7 p.m at the Lionel Wendt gallery in Colombo. The ‘Our World’ exhibition, [...]
WNPS lecture on blue carbon ecosystems
Dr. Mat Vanderklift, an expert in blue carbon ecosystems will talk on ‘Unravelling carbon credits and blue forest finance: a solution or another scam?’ in this month’s Nations Trust WNPS (Wildlife and Nature Protection Society) lecture on Thursday, December 12 at 6 p.m. at the Jasmine Hall, BMICH. Mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes, known as “blue carbon [...]