Cabinet approval is to be sought to recruit 5,450 graduates to be granted teaching appointments for specified subjects shortly, Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said. He said recruitment will be done based on a priority list depending on the year of graduation. Teachers will be recruited for subjects such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Combined Maths and [...]


Cabinet approval sought for recruitment of graduates for teaching


Cabinet approval is to be sought to recruit 5,450 graduates to be granted teaching appointments for specified subjects shortly, Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said.

He said recruitment will be done based on a priority list depending on the year of graduation.

Teachers will be recruited for subjects such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Combined Maths and Technology.

The decision has been taken as there has been delay in the plans of recruiting 26,000 teachers from those who have already been given graduate appointments.

The plans were delayed due to action filed against the recruitment plan.

As a result, there is a shortage of GCE A/L teachers and the problem has been aggravated due to retirement of some teachers.

Some schools could not commence their A/L classes due to the shortages, the minister added.

Meanwhile, the recruitment of 5,000 principals (Grade III) has also been held back due to a separate case filed. That case is due to be taken up in November. (DWI)

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