Nowadays it is a common sight to witness many Sri Lankans with gloomy faces, mentally disturbed due to being encamped with a tremendous amount of raging storms, predominantly the economic storm. Life is indeed a challenge when we cannot meet our basic requirements. Even though so many people tend to focus on their physical strength [...]


Harmful Mind Diets & RAGING MIND ATTACKS


Nowadays it is a common sight to witness many Sri Lankans with gloomy faces, mentally disturbed due to being encamped with a tremendous amount of raging storms, predominantly the economic storm. Life is indeed a challenge when we cannot meet our basic requirements. Even though so many people tend to focus on their physical strength and appearance they have forgotten that their real battles are in the realm of their mind. We seriously need to prioritise our focus. Many minds are utterly in need of prioritising our focus. Many minds are severely weak before raging mind attacks.

Just as the harmful cholesterol and other lifestyle habits have a tendency of dragging people towards health issues such as heart attacks, the diet your mind receives also has the ability to lead you toward heavy mind attacks that can halt you from moving ahead in life. Your thinking pattern would not merely lead you towards devastating mind attacks but it would also make your mind weak before the thundering mind attacks such as the fear of the future, worries about the past, the pain of rejection, the loneliness of isolation, resentment of anger, bitterness of pain, the weakness of carrying an empty life bag and many other thought patterns which possess the ability of attacking. The brutal reality is that these are the seeds we have planted in our minds, especially they are what we have been feeding our minds for years and years.

People are very concerned about drinking a glass of water as they wake up in the morning. Yet, for at least an hour they stick to social media as their first feeding for the mind. Many people are addicted to social media so much so that they even take their phone to the toilet. A glass of water would certainly cleanse your body but the corruptive and unhealthy feeds on the FB wall are sure to feed a worthless breakfast to your mind. I am very concerned about the breakfast that is offered to my mind as it will play a predominant role on my focus management throughout the day and the daily battles.

As I have mentioned in many of my articles I make it a point to close my eyes tightly and provoke my hunger towards my dreams and aspirations rather than feeding my mind with the failures of yesterday, ongoing weaknesses and constant mistakes. If I focus on these during the beginning of the day it would certainly add more pressure by directing my mind towards fear, worry, frustration, giving up and procrastination. All we require is a motivating mind-set so that we can face the day. We do not require a demotivating mind-set that would unplug us from our dreams. Take a moment to think if you are actually feeding your mind energetic food or dispirited lethargic food.

Therefore, do spend some quality time with yourself and list down the things you hear, see, discuss and contemplate on. People who are struggling amidst the pressures of life are those who hear, see, discuss and contemplate on negativity, demotivation, blame orienteers, judgmental, anger provoking, jealousy arousing, egoistic and self-centred deeds. Are these the types of food that you want to include in your menu, in order to feed your mind with? Whenever you face a battle in life and pressure your mind, you completely lose focus, motivation, energy, the spirit of never giving up, resilience, fighting back and unwavering thought patterns. Those are not what you and your children have cultivated over the years. You cannot expect to harvest carrots if you have planted Gloriosa Superba (AKA Niyagala), a poisonous plant.

Recently, I advised a mother to get a puppy for her daughter, so that she would learn to become responsible. Moreover, she would learn to move forward amidst the loss of a loved one the day the dog dies. We must train our minds to be able to handle rejection, manipulation, painful situations and many other thought patterns that may attack us. However, if you for once experience the means of which people expose themselves to, then you will realise that it is not at all surprising to see what we see in the media like giving up, suicide and sky rocketing depression. People are so keen on consulting dieticians to get the dietary recommendations they require for their physical body. Yet, they do not show much interest on the most important diet which is the diet of your mind.

I have suffered a lot in life. As a youngster I was utterly weak that I even consumed poison as I could not even handle any minor mind attacks. The pain was so intense that I did not have any offensive or defensive mind energies within me. Slight pains easily broke my mind ruthlessly. The attack was 500W but the capacity of my mind was only 10W. When the capacity of a human’s mind is below the capacity of the mind attack then that person will always live in misery.

The reason many people give up life battles is because they believe that they do not have what is required to face the battle. People are over concerned about what others think of them, they are simply dependent on others. Those who are solely dependent on others are extremely worried about the acceptance of others merely because they think they cannot exist without the support of others. We need to develop a generation that will fight independently and creatively. When our son Joshua was ten, my wife inculcated in him the habit of washing his clothes, arranging his room and cooking for us once a month. Today we are very happy and proud to see him growing with a confident and strong personality. That training helped Joshua to destroy the walls of an inferiority complex that could have been built around him if we had not supported him in the process of building his confidence. Today, Joshua is fifteen and he is equipping himself with all the survival skills which he needs to be equipped with so that he could face the battles that he would have to face in the future.

You cannot be as foolish as to think that your children will not have to face any battles. The best gift we can give our children is to help them develop a strong personality. Unless they will be like dwarfs before the gigantic life battles. We must make sure our children are like giants before the life battles and not merely like dwarfs who see the battles as giants.

The capacity of your mind defines if you would see your problem as a giant or a dwarf. The same battles that I ran away from twenty years ago, believing that they were so gigantic for me have today become so simplified as they are broken down into pieces with a well-focused mind and unwavering thoughts. When people left me twenty years ago I was helpless as I was under the impression that I cannot survive without them, but whenever anyone leaves me today I am happy and thankful for those separations as I stand independently today. I am happy about who I am today and what I have to face in life.

The difference between my past and my present is that today even though the circumstances may be the same the capacity of my mind has immensely developed to a level that I am able to fight any mind attacks victoriously. That is because the diet I feed my mind today and what I fed my mind twenty years ago are completely two different diets. Therefore, if you intend to destroy the raging mind attacks you are facing then you need to develop the capacity of your mind with high spirited and healthy food that will process and produce powerful thought circuits within you.

I have collaborated with an Australian Presentation Guru Mr. Mark Aiston, who will be conducting a training session known as “FEARLESS PRESENTATION”, a training programme on Developing Presentation and Personality Skills. It would be hosted via zoom on four consecutive Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. During this training programme Mark will take us through the techniques of overcoming the fear of rejection, confidence building tools, personality development and presentation skills. I will also partake in this training by offering a one to one coaching session for all the participants. If you are interested in taking part in this training programme, please contact me on 0774 88 5656.

I’d also like to unveil a heart touching news to all my readers both in Sri Lanka and abroad. I have just launched my very first book “THE ART OF BOUNCING BACK”. A much awaited, life transforming book that is sure to become a treasure to many. It is also an invaluable gift that you could present to young children. This book will certainly change yours as well as your children’s for the better. My book is available at Sarasavi, MD Gunasena, Expographic Book Shops as well as at all Naturals Salons across the country.

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voice – 0774 88 5656 /


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