In the past year, Sri Lanka along with many other countries in the world was pushed into an energy crisis of unprecedented proportions, leading to increased interest in biodiesel as a potential alternative fuel source. However, the practicality of producing biodiesel on a large scale can be challenging. Green Ignitions, a biodiesel start-up incubated at [...]


SLTC Green Ignitions to Introduce Biodiesel for Commercial Use


In the past year, Sri Lanka along with many other countries in the world was pushed into an energy crisis of unprecedented proportions, leading to increased interest in biodiesel as a potential alternative fuel source. However, the practicality of producing biodiesel on a large scale can be challenging. Green Ignitions, a biodiesel start-up incubated at the SLTC Research University, is a team of engineering undergraduates working to tackle this problem.

Led by Manusha Wijesinghe, the team of five includes Sithira Sathsara, Sasanga Samarakoon, Theshan Samaraweera, and Kaiz Noorhamith, playing various roles in varying capacities in technology, finance, logistics, management, and administrative tasks. Working out of their lab at Kolonnawa, the team is guided by Dr Nicoloy Gurusinghe and Dr Indika Thushari and is supported by the university, with special mention to the University’s President Eng. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe, who has been a great pillar of strength since the inception of the project.

Success Fuelled by Unwavering Effort

Biodiesel is a substitute for diesel fuel produced using oil-containing free fatty acids. Transesterification, a term used to refer to the production process, uses edible oil, alcohol, and a catalyst. The first step of the process is to test the oil for acidity, which determines the amount of catalyst that will be required for a batch. The oil is then filtered, boiled, and mixed with alcohol, to which the catalyst is introduced to produce an alkoxide. The reaction is heated to specific temperatures for optimal results. The result is the separation of biodiesel and glycerol. The biodiesel is then boiled, washed, and tested for its pH value which has to remain between 7-9.

The Green Ignitions team faced several challenges in developing the right formula and process, but after continuous experimentation at the SLTC Chemistry Lab, the team succeeded in producing a batch of high-quality biodiesel. However, it’s important to note that the process should only be carried out under expert supervision adhering to strict safety precautions, as alcohols and catalysts can be flammable and
irritant, respectively.

To determine if they had developed the right formula, the physical properties and colour of the best samples were compared to those of regular diesel. The samples were then tested at SLINTEC and ITI, where they were found to contain 99.8% purity, meeting the standards for auto diesel.

After successfully developing the formula, the team is now focused on practical experimentation and introducing their product to the market. Despite years of research, biodiesel is yet to become a mainstream alternative to traditional diesel fuel, but the Green Ignitions team is determined to change that.

Biodiesel vs Regular Diesel

Many people hesitate to use biodiesel in their engines due to fears of damage that it may cause. To address these concerns, the team emphasizes the benefits of biodiesel over traditional diesel. Biodiesel is made from recycled used oil, leading to a lower dependency on fossil fuels. Additionally, it produces low toxic waste gas and emits no carbon monoxide or nitrous oxides. It also emits fewer dark fumes and releases an odour similar to oil at the exhaust.

Green Ignitions biodiesel meets standard diesel standards, allowing it to be used in diesel engines without causing harm. However, it is recommended that it be used in heavy vehicles and generators, as opposed to smaller vehicles such as cars, considering the density of biodiesel is slightly higher compared to that of auto diesel. The team also points out that biodiesel has a higher cetane index, which makes it easier for engines to start and reduces ignition delay. This also improves the efficiency of heavy vehicles due to their higher compression ratio.

Overcoming Challenges

Among the many challenges Green Ignitions has faced on its journey, sourcing oil for the production process has been the most daunting. Currently, the team largely acquires the oil that is used in the process via a network of hotels and restaurants willing to sell their used cooking oil in moderate quantities. However, collecting large quantities of used oil can be difficult, as many restaurants and hotels reuse their oil in cooking. However, Green Ignitions has been successful in forming a partnership with several hotels and restaurants that contribute towards this requirement. Whilst the team currently receives about 500 litres of oil per month, they are working on partnering with more establishments to address the existing demand.

Currently, the cost of biodiesel produced by Green Ignitions is priced at Rs. 500 per litre, with standard diesel prices hovering around Rs. 400. The main reason for the higher cost is the high price of alcohol, which is currently imported. The team is currently working on obtaining a license that would allow them to purchase alcohol at a lower cost. They are also working towards obtaining the support of the state to procure palm oil, a cheaper alternative to used cooking oil, which is expected to help reduce the selling price of a litre of biodiesel as compared to a litre of diesel currently available in the market.

Towards a National Cause

Green Ignitions is working towards becoming Sri Lanka’s first biodiesel-producing company. They have already been successful in launching several projects powered by their product. The first major achievement for Green Ignitions was MOONLAND, Sri Lanka’s first biodiesel-powered music event. The event was a huge success and helped raise funds for the team’s future efforts. The event was powered by generators that ran on 100 litres of biodiesel, proving the potential of biodiesel for commercial use. Green Ignitions has also launched a shuttle service transporting students to and from the university and are currently working on developing an automated biodiesel machine that would help them eliminate manual labour from the manufacturing process.

The goal of Green Ignitions is to expand their production and develop more self-sufficient ways of producing diesel in Sri Lanka. It is their hope to make it possible for Sri Lanka to use biodiesel alongside other fuels on a commercial level, reducing the country’s dependency on foreign resources.

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